出现DirectX Runtime 错误可能是由于多种原因导致的,这可能需要采取多种方法来解决。以下是一些可能的解决方案:1. 安装 DirectX: 确保你已经安装了最新版本的 DirectX。你可以通过在 Microsoft 官网下载并安装 DirectX 来完成这一步。2. 安装/重新安装 Valorant: 有时,游戏本身可能会遇到问题,这可能需要你重新安装游...
【问题②】:登录画面死机,无法进入游戏 一、(打开游戏无反应)具体步骤可点击查看错误代码29详情 点击→更多错误代码查询①反作弊Riot Vanguard和游戏Valorant文件夹给当前用户设置完全控制权限②游戏和反作弊执行程序设置允许防火墙进行通信并勾选专用公用③有360等安全软件的设置信任/白名单文件(反作弊和游戏文件夹)④可以...
换win7就这样了DirectX runtime可能出错误了,无法继续进行游戏 分享1赞 逆战吧 冰霜领主♂ 在进入逆战是提示directx runtime错误 分享回复赞 逆战吧 拔剑留落樱💘 逆战DirectX runtime错误删了显卡驱动在官网重新下了也不行,浏览器搜过无数方法都不行,求助贴吧的大爹们 分享369 仙剑奇侠传吧 free冻结的时光 显示...
Another solution to fix the DirectX Runtime Valorant Error is uninstalling Riot Vanguard. This is anti-cheat security software that Riot Games developed for Valorant. However, thanks to its aggressive nature, Riot Vanguard might prevent fixes from applying to Valorant. Here’s how to uninstall Riot...
Some Valorant players are reporting that they can’t run the game due to the DirectX Runtime error. The full error reads:The following component(s) are required to run this program: DirectX Runtime If you are experiencing the same problem and you have no idea how to fix it, this trouble...
Valorantplayers have often faced DirectX Runtime Errors since the closed beta period. Riot Games’ 5v5 tactical shooter has gained massive popularity since its release on June 2nd, 2020. However, players come across certainerrorswhile playing the game, and the DirectX Runtime Error is one of the...
This solution requires you to simply download &install/update DirectX End-User Runtimeon your Windows device and see if theVALORANT DirectX Runtime erroris resolved. Otherwise, try the next solution. 2] Update graphics drivers DirectX is related to your system graphics. So, you can eitherupdate...
If the DirectX Installation is failing, there are a few things that you can do to resolve theDirectX setup and installation errors. You can update your graphics driver, install previous versions of DirectX if required, and more. Read:Fix VALORANT DirectX Runtime error on Windows....
Valorant is not opening, even it is a high end laptop :) Asutosh Padhi, Jun 25, 2024 #1 MS Mango-slayer Win User Directx 11 not working on directx 12 Can somebody help me i have directx 12 installed on my pc but when i launch a game it says dx11 required and another thing ...
Read:Fix VALORANT DirectX Runtime error How do I fix Fatal DirectX error? The Fatal DirectX error can be easily resolved by updating the GPU drivers as well as DirectX. However, there are instances when one has to downgrade DirectX or make it compatible with it using some launch option. We...