1.6万 1 01:14 App 如何修复DXGI Error Device Removed Error 4.6万 1 01:08 App 游戏本显卡挂了典型案例 27.5万 37 02:24 App DirectX修复工具使用方法 2.4万 4 05:00 App 战地3 DirectX function "m_dxgiFactory 4.2万 2 01:22 App 最新游戏运行库 解决99%游戏问题 报错 闪退 无法运行 文件缺失 1....
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 战地2042报错弹窗,DirectX函数GetDeviceRemovedReason失败的问题可能是由于显卡驱动问题导致的。可以尝试以下两种解决方法:1. 更新显卡驱动程序:去英伟达官网下载并安装最新的显卡驱动程序,确保与游戏要求相匹配,减少报错的可能性;2. 使用修复工具:在网上找到DX修复工具...
“DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG ("The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application. This is an design-time issue that should be investigated and fixed. "). GPU: "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760", Dri...
When I try to play the game the game freeze and shows the following error message: DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG" ("The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application. This is an design-time issue...
Games like EA FC 24 and AC Mirage were running smoothly but after 2 days, the "directx function getdeviceremovedreason failed with dxgi_error_device_hung intel arc a750" Problem is showing and the game completely stuck there. Please Give me a solution. Cannot run any games...
Directx function "GetDeviceRemovedReason* failed with DXGI ERROR DEVICE HUNG (The GPU will not respond to more commands"), GPU: "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti*, Driver:This error is usually caused by the graphics driver crashing; try installing the latest drivers. Reply 0 + XP ...
(仅停留在2042游戏主界面未开始游戏)此次报错为:DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGL_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED ("The video card has been physically removed from the system, or a driver upgrade for the video card has occurred. ")....
DirectX函数“GetDeviceRemovedReason”失败,DXGI ERROR_DEVICE挂起。GPU: Driver:"22.1.2(这个错误通常是由图形驱动程序崩溃引起的,尝试安装最新的驱动程序。另外,确保您有一个支持的图形卡,至少有1024mb的显存 来自iPhone客户端4楼2022-02-28 10:06 收起回复 水军...
玩ea fc24时出现图片中的报错,重装显卡驱动、尝试修改注册表信息、安装DirectX也没有用,问题依然存在,报错信息:DirectX function"GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed withDXGI ERROR DEVICE HUNG (The GPU will not respond to morecommands")GPU:"NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU".Driver: 54633. This error is ...
我tm服了 玩着玩着..我tm服了 玩着玩着弹这个 游戏就卡住了DirectX function GetDeviceRemovedReason failed with dxgi_error_device_hung3dmark ts tse跑了好多圈tse压力测试98.3真不错真不错看不起2042年的游戏?3dmark是歌姬吧 想稳定战地2042就得降频