”正在安装Microsoft DirectX for Windows“的意思是:正在为你的电脑操作系统安装DirectX多媒体编程接口。DirectX由微软公司创建的一系列专为多媒体以及游戏开发的应用程序接口。因为这一系列API皆以Direct字样开头,所以DirectX(只要把X字母替换为任何一个特定API的名字)就成为这一巨大的API系列的统称。当前...
XAML provides a rich set of visual primitives for composing your app, and offers even more richness and control in your app’s rendering through interoperability with DirectX. In Windows 8.1, we have added more flexible hosting elements to the interop story, and also the powerful...
您可以使用 Windows 8.1 中的SwapChainPanel類別來轉譯使用 XAML 之應用程式中的 DirectX 圖形內容,這與使用 Windows 8 中的SurfaceImageSource類別時相比,能夠提供較佳的效能和較低的延遲,而與使用SwapChainBackgroundPanel類別時相比,則是在配置上的限制較少。
Windows 8.1 または Windows Server 2012 R2 を実行しているコンピューターで DirectX 11 のゲームを実行するとします。非ネイティブの解像度で全画面表示モードでゲームを実行する場合は、最終的に"メモリ不...
Even though Chris’ current material is nominally for Windows 8, the way it is done it works the same in Windows 8.1. There some specific items that you need to be concerned about when using Windows 8.1, for instance Windows sizing has changed, and there is deeper support for interest...
Check which version of DirectX is installed The DxDiag tool reports detailed information about the DirectX components and drivers installed on your system and can be used. Windows 10 Windows 8.1 or 8 Windows 7 or earlier DirectX versions and updates by Operating System...
您必須呼叫IDXGIFactory2::CreateSwapChainForComposition來建立 DirectX 交換鏈結。 您可以根據應用程式的需求來更新SwapChainPanel,而不會與 XAML 架構的更新同步處理。 如果您需要將 SwapChainPanel 的更新同步處理至 XAML 架構的更新,請註冊Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::CompositionTarget::Rendering事件。 否則,如果您...
DirectX 8.1b for Windows 98, ME, 2K, and XP This redistribution v8.1b of DirectX offers updated graphics, faster frame rates, and support for massively multiplayer games. This latest version of DirectX offers updated graphics, faster frame rates, and support for massively multiplayer games. It ...
I downloaded this Microsoft development kit, DirectX SDK for Windows and my life has changed. I use it to maintain older software. It's nearing its end of life so time is precious. It comes with runtime libraries that are necessary to operate the system. I am just happy I downloaded it...
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/default.mspx company: microsoft corporation total downloads: 964,429 contributed by: sridherreddy rating: 3.5 of 5 rate it! ( 2 votes) tested: free from spyware, adware and viruses directx 8.1 change log directx 8.1 screenshots upload screenshot upload...