楼主老机器7820X+1080ti+48g内存,从EA版本到正式发布一直报directX错误,Vulkan也报错device lost,而且画质调越低报错越快。尝试过下列方法均无解决但供参考:1. 完全重装win10系统,win11系统;2. 升级驱动/回滚驱动版本,dx修复工具3. 调大虚拟内存在外网搜索到一个方法发现可正常游戏:打开N卡控制面板,菜单栏选择帮助...
The errorDirectX function “GetDeviceRemovedReason” failed with DXGI_Error_Device_Hungerror code0x887A0006states that the application’s device is failed and due to this reason, you won’t be able to access the games effectively. Generally, DirectX is an API and an inbuilt application of Micr...
还要停止在后台运行的任何超频,例如 MSI Afterburner。 游戏崩溃时可能出现的错误消息:DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG 停用未来帧渲染(修复 DirectX 错误“DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED”) 当显卡尝试预渲染未来的图像以增加平滑度时,会发生此 DirectX 错误。 重新安装 DirectX DirectX 是 Windows 中的一组组件,使软件(尤其是...
When I try to play the game the game freeze and shows the following error message: DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG" ("The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application. This is an design-time i...
DirectX函数“ GetDeviceRemovedReason”由于DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG而失败(“由于应用程序发送的格式错误的命令,导致应用程序的设备失败。这是一个设计时问题,应进行研究和解决。”) GPU:“ NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760”,驱动程序:46589当然,电脑问题最好求教周围电脑大神,记得之后请奶茶喝哈~
Then the first patch and all of a sudden I can't even play an hour without this error and it's frustrating, yesterdays patch did nothing either. It's not my device because I can play every other game with no problems at all. My gpu is not overclocked, I've tried every "fix" out...
电脑爱好者朋友通常会在某款游戏最低配置要求以及某些显卡上看到有DirectX字样,一般DirectX有:Direct 9....
I built my PC with Intel Core I5 13500 and Intel Arc A750 Founder Edition. Games like EA FC 24 and AC Mirage were running smoothly but after 2 days, the "directx function getdeviceremovedreason failed with dxgi_error_device_hung intel arc a750" Problem is showing and th...
https://www.technewstoday.com/fix-dxgi-error-device-hung-error/ https://appuals.com/fix-dxgi_error_device_hung-error-on-windows-78-and-10/ https://www.pcerror-fix.com/dxgi-error-device-hung-error NOTE: Many of the tips are the same in those links I posted! 0 Likes Reply Abdulla...