针对你遇到的问题 ID3D12Device::GetDeviceRemovedReason 函数调用失败,并返回 DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG (0x887A0006) 错误代码,以下是对该问题的详细分析和解答: 1. ID3D12Device::GetDeviceRemovedReason 函数的作用和返回值含义 ID3D12Device::GetDeviceRemovedReason 是DirectX 12 API 中的一个方法,用于检索设备...
1 另一个最常见的问题可能是过时的DirectX。通过更新它修复DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG错误:转到Microsoft的DirectX最终用户运行时Web安装程序页面选择您喜欢的语言并下载应用程序导航下载的文件位置,双击它,然后继续执行屏幕说明启动游戏并检查它是否解决了问题 解决方案4.禁用声卡 1 用户报告说,禁用或删除声卡有助于他们...
DirectX函数“ GetDeviceRemovedReason”由于DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG而失败(“由于应用程序发送的格式错误的命令,导致应用程序的设备失败。这是一个设计时问题,应进行研究和解决。”) GPU:“ NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760”,驱动程序:46589当然,电脑问题最好求教周围电脑大神,记得之后请奶茶喝哈~
When I try to play the game the game freeze and shows the following error message: DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG" ("The application's device failed due to badly formed commands sent by the application. This is an design-time i...
I get this error all the time. As soon as I start the game and get into the menu it crashes with this error. I've literally everything from adding
玩ea fc24时出现图片中的报错,重装显卡驱动、尝试修改注册表信息、安装DirectX也没有用,问题依然存在,报错信息:DirectX function"GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed withDXGI ERROR DEVICE HUNG (The GPU will not respond to morecommands")GPU:"NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU".Driver: 54633. This error is ...
Games like EA FC 24 and AC Mirage were running smoothly but after 2 days, the "directx function getdeviceremovedreason failed with dxgi_error_device_hung intel arc a750" Problem is showing and the game completely stuck there. Please Give me a solution. Cannot run any games...
Restartyour computer and check for the error. Update Windows Last but not least, this method also resolves ‘DirectX function “GetDeviceRemovedReason” failed with DXGI_Error_Device_Hung’ error code0x887A0006. Sometimes, lack of update led to the above-said issue, so it is always recommended...
- DirectX Function "Get device removed reason." failed with DXGI ERROR DEVICE HUNG. - Error Code: 0x887A0005 (0x887A0006) (6068) DSignature: 987008FC-0B260A6E-39404DF9F-06FD2DDCLocation: 0x0007FFEF827565C (16506489)Executable: sp23\sp23-cod.exe I would really appreciate it this can...
DirectX function: "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG ("The device is hung which is typically caused by issues in the graphics driver or alternatively the application"). GPU: "AMD Radeon RX 5700XT", Driver, 26.20.15003.5016 16.12.2019 01:00:00 I bought the graphics ...