Template:Win11 (view source) Template:Win7 (view source) Template:Win8 (view source) Template:Win9x (view source) Template:Windows (view source) Template:Winxp (view source) Template:X360 (view source) Template:Xbox360 (view source) Template:Yesno (view source) (semi-protected)...
籼米们,我电脑是win11 和directx12,从方块下载的游戏,为什么运行不了,高高兴兴买的游戏,怎么玩不了 12赞 恐怖黎明吧 瓦尔凡纳 关于v1020游戏升级Directx 11和汉化冲突问题为了避免太长不看,先把我的总结的疑问丢在前面:如果目前的汉化都是基于Dx 9来做的,还有没有可能把新汉化包做成支持新版Dx 11?是不是转换...
RTX 3060 Directx12 bug? sLiDe.67 2mo Hi guys, i do have some weird issues with my RTX 3060 (https://www.kfa2.com/kfa2/geforce-rtx-3060-oc.html) While playing games which are using DX12 I randomly get errors including CTD:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KVJdvEK-50cr-WH8v9Kv-...
Do not need a 4090 and a 13900KS running Win11.” They are testing. Using your Windows 7 system. I_Love_My_Bandwidth, Sep 14, 2023 #32 Metanis, Skuz, bobokatt and 2 others like this. Nennius Curmudgeon I_Love_My_Bandwidth said: ↑ “They are testing. Using you...
Ranked resurgence came out a few days ago and I genuinely can’t play more than 3 games in a row without my game crashing, never had problems like this until the recent mw3 update. Any help or fixes? I can’t revert to old drivers as I don’t have any installed previously (I ...
I have a brand new B580 graphics and the card delivers really poor performance on older D3D and DirectDraw games, namely WoW Classic, Re-Volt, Cossacks3, GTA2 and others, regardless of quality preset, which I expect to be driver optimization. The PC runs on Win11,...
I have a brand new B580 graphics and the card delivers really poor performance on older D3D and DirectDraw games, namely WoW Classic, Re-Volt, Cossacks3, GTA2 and others, regardless of quality preset, which I expect to be driver optimization. The PC runs on Win11, Ryzen 550...
微软DirectStorage API已登陆PC 为Win11量身定做 这个新的API改变了游戏从NVMe SSD驱动器读取数据的方式,从而实现更快的读取速度和更短的加载时间...而在显卡方面,微软表示所有的DX12 GPU都可以用,不过要想获得最佳体验,还是推荐最新的DX12 Ultimate兼容产品,包括NVIDIA RTX 30系列、AMD RX 6000系列...NVIDIA RTX...