️ Groups of Uniforms D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER1 rootParameters[1]; rootParameters[0].ParameterType = D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE; rootParameters[0].ShaderVisibility = D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY_VERTEX; rootParameters[0].DescriptorTable.NumDescriptorRanges = 1; rootParameters[0].DescriptorTab...
voidTutorialX::OnRender(){auto&commandQueue=m_Device->GetCommandQueue(D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT);autocommandList=commandQueue.GetCommandList();// Clear the render targets.{FLOATclearColor[]={0.4f,0.6f,0.9f,1.0f};commandList->ClearTexture(m_RenderTarget.GetTexture(AttachmentPoint::Color0)...
it will also be used for a stencil buffer in a later tutorial ID3D12DescriptorHeap* dsDescriptorHeap; // This is a heap for our depth/stencil buffer descriptor // this is the structure of our constant buffer. struct ConstantBufferPerObject { XMFLOAT4X4 wvpMat; }; // Constant buffers mus...
Raw DirectX 12 tutorial October 21, 2019, 01:35:11 PM Quote An introduction to writing a simple "Hello Triangle" DirectX 12 application. DirectX 12 is the latest low level graphics API for writing Windows applications, supporting ray tracing, compute, rasterization, and much more. ...
interface layer of D3D11, these rendering parameters are set using different APIs. In order to complete the adaptation, we must use a queriable runtime container to manage them. The most common object container is HashMap which can be used to avoid redundant PSO and the correspon...
翻译一下,跟CommandList一样,Bundle也可以看成是对若干DX API Call的组合,只是Bundle可以作为一个整体添加到CommandList中,相当于API调用打组(不确定是否支持嵌套,即Bundle中装Bundle)。Bundle的好处是可以将一系列需要重复执行的API Call打成组(函数封装)后面进行多次调用,打组可以使得整个组的API执行的效率要更高(...
The tutorial assumes the reader is already familiar with the DirectX 12 API, and is an expert in graphics programming. If you are already an expert in Direct3D 11 but are new to the DirectX 12 API, then you should start by reviewing theDirect3D 12 Programming GuideonMicrosoft Docs. ...
Microsoft DirectX图形包括一组API,可帮助用户创建游戏和高性能多媒体应用程序。DirectX的图形包括对高性能2D和3D图形的支持。 For 3D graphics, it is always recommended to use Microsoft Direct3D 11 API. Even if a user has Microsoft Direct3D 9-level or Microsoft Direct3D 10-level hardware, the develope...
DirectX 12中Assimp的骨骼动画错误 我正在使用Assimp加载一个带有动画(在搅拌机中创建)的FBX模型到我的DirectX 12游戏中,但我在游戏应用程序渲染的动画中遇到了一个非常令人沮丧的bug。 测试模型是一个简单的“旗杆”,包含四个骨骼,如下所示: Bone0 -> Bone1 -> Bone2 -> Bone3...
July 2015. Version 12. Low level API. The version provided an even better compatibility with multi-core processors, the ability to combine the resources of several video cards from different vendors, ray tracing. Direct3D Direct3D is one of many components of the larger DirectX API; it is re...