Please note local HD channels may vary according to market, and, availability of channels may depend on your service package. You can sort the channels by number or name by clicking on the table header. Also see a list ofDirecTV Stream HD Channels. ...
DirecTV is currently offering standard-definition local channels to 94 percent of television households in the U.S.Tarr, GregTwice This Week in Consumer Electronics
ENTERTAINMENT (65+ channels), CHOICE (90+ channels), ULTIMATE (130+ channels), and PREMIER (140+ channels). Please note there are more channels in SD (Standard Definition) not listed here. See a complete list ofDirecTV Stream Channels (SD & HD). Looking for DirecTV’s satellite service...
Spaceway F1 is the first of two Ka-band satellites that will launch this year, enabling DIRECTV to broadcast local HD channels into several of the nation’s largest markets. Initially, DIRECTV will begin launching digital and HD local channels in 12 markets this fall allowing customers — wit...
95+ Channels Local channel included in over 99% of the U.S. Professional installation included HD Access included BONUS! First TV Access Fee on us for 24 months $59.99/mo w/ 24-mo. agmt. after Auto Bill Pay discount (subject to change). ...
DIRECTV Support Welcome, DIRECTV® customers Your favorite local channels, sports, news and more With a CenturyLink Internet connection, you can get the most out of your DIRECTV service with features: Manage options and take your TV with you with theDIRECTV app...
In October of 2008, DirecTV announced their intentions to carry HD local channels in 121 TV markets by the end of the year. In December of 2007, DirecTV purchased the majority of ReplayTV’s assets from D&M Holdings. Two years later (2009), the company purchased home services provider, ...
Local channels included† First DIRECTV device included First device available for well-qualified customers. Internet connection required. Satellite customers are subject to equipment non-return fee(s) if equip. not timely returned. DVR service to record your favorite movies and shows Regional Sports...
Local channels included† First DIRECTV device included First device available for well-qualified customers. Internet connection required. Satellite customers are subject to equipment non-return fee(s) if equip. not timely returned. DVR service to record your favorite movies and shows Regional Sports...
onlysatellite televisionprovider to bring local channels to customers in many service areas; in this realm, DISH cannot compete. Many packages bring not only local channels but also regional sports networks, so that sports fans will be able to watch all the broadcasts of their favorite local ...