Please note local HD channels may vary according to market, and, availability of channels may depend on your service package. You can sort the channels by number or name by clicking on the table header. Also see a list ofDirecTV Stream HD Channels. ...
After that introduction, she started by explaining that DirecTV streaming offered four different packages, with the highest tier being the Premier package. She said that the Premier package included premium movie channels such as Cinemax and Showtime, as well as several other premium channels, with...
DirecTV has developed its new free streaming service with a decent number of channels for you to watch for free. Yes, DirecTV also has its paid streaming service, but there’s no harm in launching
If you're comparing DirecTV Stream and YouTube TV, you've come to the right place. Read our guide to learn the pros and cons of both streaming services.
The guide is a grid of channels, which will be familiar if you’ve had cable in the past. I was able to sort the grid by channel number or A-Z, or filter by my favorites, movies, TV shows, sports and kids. Like Watch Now, the Grid plays whatever program is in progress, which ...
Right now, we cannot load any of our channels. I’ve been on hold for way longer than the predicted 50 minutes. It’s ridiculous to expect me, no qualifications for electronics, to fix the equipment. PS I hung up after 2h 57 mins on hold. Date of experience: January 16, 2025 ...
Number of channels75+105+140+150+ Original content (Yes/No)NoNoNoNo Streaming qualityUp to 4KUp to 4KUp to 4KUp to 4K Live streamingYesYesYesYes Entertainment Plan Although it’s the cheapest plan available at $79.99/mo., the Entertainment Plan is still overflowing with content. This include...
DIRECTV Phone Number Struggling with your DIRECTV phone, TV, or Internet service? Follow our step-by-step guide to contact DIRECTV and resolve your issue as quickly as possible. DIRECTV Packages Compare DIRECTV TV packages to get the channels you want to watch without overpaying. Find the ...
DIRECT TV service includes the advanced Genie® home DVR. The Genie® home DVR gives you incredible versatility. The Genie® can save up to 200 hours of HD programs and can also record up to five shows at the same time. The specific number of HD channels you get depends on the DI...
They feature not just national networks but some local programming as well, depending on your ZIP code. You can also comparewhich channels are available with which packages. DirecTV Stream also has a number of premium channels, or bundles that you can add to customize your viewing experience. ...