Denis regular Alex Descas is never better as a widowed father coming to terms with his daughter starting a life of her own at the very moment he – an African immigrant, married to a German woman – is also realizing that his entire existence revolves around a public transportation job he...
Spheeris directed music videos and taught Albert Brooks how to make comedy shorts for “Saturday Night Live” before helming a series of pioneering documentaries about L.A.’s punk rock and metal scenes starting with “The Decline of Western Civilization,” immediately ban...
9 For the starting time of the term of office of the above-mentioned directors, supervisors and senior management members, please refer to the section "Basic Information". 10 The Bank incurred RMB11.46 million in remuneration to its directors, supervisors and senior management members' services in...
Starting as a filmmaker in Japan in 1936, Akira Kurosawa created over 30 movies over the course of a 50-year career. With many influential pictures such asYojimbo,The Hidden Fortress,Throne of Blood,Rashomon, andThe Seven Samurai, Kurosawa has inspired countless directors around the world across...
Jane is an MBA and CIMA-qualified director with a career spanning both private and public sectors over 33 years; starting as a health economist through to management of more than 20 health specialties and over 800 staff....
The Filipino American filmmaker has been collecting accolades for her compelling docs about Filipinos in their homeland and abroad—crediting her distinct point of view to being born and raised in the Philippines, but spending her adult life in the U.S.—starting with 1996's "Spirits Rising,...
crawls out onto one of the statue’s arms. Cummings reaches for him, grabs his coat sleeve. The spy starts to fall as Cummings tries to haul him in to safety. Then we get a close-up of the stitches at the shoulder of the spy’s jacket starting to give way. An unea...
List of notable or famous television directors from England, with bios and photos, including the top television directors born in England and even some ...
Part two of the Costume Institute’s landmark American fashion show pairs noted filmmakers with some of the museum’s most beautiful spaces—and pieces from the likes of Halston, Charles James, and Ann Lowe to match.
Even knowing how everything pans out, fully aware of how Miike structured his film for maximum impact, this one still managed to impress a second time around. With Audition, Miike proves he can channel his crazy and deliver a meticulously paced film, building up to an amazing, extremely memo...