In the Netherlands, even when a company has been wound up, its directors may be held liable for any claims that remain unpaid. However, a condition is that serious blame for this must be attributable to the director. Dutch lawyer in matters of directors’ and officers...
In the opinion of the directors of the Company, the ultimate holding company of the Company is New Fortune Star Limited ("New Fortune"), a limited liability company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. 2.1 BASIS OF PREPARATION These financial statements have been prepared in accordance ...
In many jurisdictions, including England and Wales, a director of a company will have various statutory duties towards that company, including to act in its best interests. In the event of insolvency, a director may therefore be at risk of personal liability if the director fails to comply wit...
Moreover, at private limited liability companies (the company form most frequently set up in Gipuzkoa), unlike public limited companies, the term of office is indefinite (Articles 221.1 and 216.2 LSC), which means that the presence of men on boards can be perpetuated even further. Technical com...
. As part of the Bank's restructuring, from 1 January 2005 interest income derived from the corporate bond of RMB 247 billion issued by China Cinda Asset Management Company specifically to the Bank (''Cinda bond'') was no longer exempt from income tax, leading to a tax liability for the...
This is supported by an analysis of Dutch directors' internal liability cases, which shows that, had the Delaware business judgment rule been applied, it is the threshold of proof factor that would have prompted a different outcome.Seenacherry, Mellisa K....
of times a day by people wanting to do business with a company. For this reason, the information provided when setting up a company and any subsequent changes are made publicly available for anyone to inspect. To benefit from limited liability, your company details must be...
Huijin is a wholly-state-owned limited liability company incorporated in accordance with the Chinese laws, and performs the investor's responsibilities to the key invested financial enterprises on behalf of the PRC government. Address: Ping'an Building, No. 23, Financial Street, Xicheng District, ...
h. Retirement benefits Liability towards Leave Encashment has been provided as per actuarial valuation based on Projected Unit Credit Method at the year-end. The valuation of the liability is made on the basis of certain assumptions with respect to the variable elements affecting the computations ...
213, 214, or the director's liability for breach of duty towards creditors under common law are classified as insolvency law or company law, these rules cannot guarantee sufficient protection if the lim- ited company does not operate in England. On the one hand, if they were classified as ...