No worries! Here are a few options to help you: Go backto where you came from. Are you looking for information onPersonal Banking,Business Banking, orAbout OCBC? If you got to this page from a search engine (such as Google or Yahoo!), or by clicking on a link from another ...
No worries! Here are a few options to help you: Go backto where you came from. Are you looking for information onPersonal Banking,Business Banking, orAbout OCBC? If you got to this page from a search engine (such as Google or Yahoo!), or by clicking on a link from another ...
The Remuneration Committee reviewed matters relating to the fees and remuneration for Directors and senior management, as well as discussed the Group's remuneration policy. Nomination Committee and Appointment of Directors The Nomination Committee was established in June 2005 and is chaired by Professor ...
12 Directors' remuneration The Directors' remuneration disclosed pursuant to section 161 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance is as follows: 2013 2012 HK$'000 HK$'000 Directors' fees Salaries, allowances and benefits in kind (notes (i) to (ii)) Discretionary bonuses Retirement scheme ...
Fees are paid twice a year at the end of each semester (as close as possible to the Board meeting dates). Non-Executive Directors do not receive any performance or equity- related compensation, and do not accrue pension rights with the Company in the frame of their mandate, except what ...
8.2 Remuneration of Non-Executive Directors 8.2.1 Non-Executive Independent Directors Non-executive Independent Directors receive Directors' fees, which are subject to shareholders' approval at AGMs ("Directors' Fees"). Directors' Fees are determined based on a scale of fees comprising a base fee,...
Agency fees from securities, foreign currency dealing and insurance services amounted to RMB 1,927 million, an increase of RMB 455 million, or 30.9%, compared to that of 2004, mainly due to larger transaction volumes of underwriting for government bonds, and agency services for funds and ...
(loss) Total income Expenses: Employee benefit expenses Rental and office expenses Information and technology expenses Marketing costs and commissions Professional fees Finance costs Other operating expenses Operating loss Share of profits of associates Share of profit of a jointly controlled entity Profit ...
• If the consideration varies (such as for incentives, rebates, performance fees, royalties, success of an outcome etc), minimum amounts of revenue must be recognised if they are not at significant risk of reversal. • The point at which revenue is able to be recognised may shift: ...
million 22 4,711 2,584 23 2,192 2,366 6,903 4,950 EXPENSES Finance costs Fees and commission expenses Impairment on financial instruments Employee benefits expenses Depreciation, amortisation and impairment Other expenses Total expenses Profit before tax Tax expense: Current tax Provision for tax ...