Knoxville, TN Create award-winning advertising campaigns from start to finish for various media channels. Develop concepts for TV, social media, and print. Collaborate with a partner and senior team members to learn and grow. Creative Director, Copywriting 30+ days ago Full-Time Employee New York...
disability advocate and director of strategy at Knoxville agency Designsensory, thinks it’s partly because both advertisers and agencies are taking a cue from pop culture, where more and more disability narratives are cropping up.
Managing Director(Current Employee)-Knoxville, TN-20 August 2017 great place to work especially if you love helping people. opportunity for advancement. treats employees very well. great benefits with paid time off. solid company. Was this review helpful?
Salon Director(离职员工)-Knoxville, TN-2014年7月29日 I gained a lot of friends through this job. Guests confided in me and I took pride in the fact that I could help them with their skin care and color. It is a sales based job so hours are based on performance but it is ...