whitaker, of course, is supposed to say things like this. and duvernay, a former hollywood publicist skilled in sending a message, knows which notes to hit. from what i’ve seen here on set—her playful and encouraging interactions with her stars, the diversity of her crew, the summer-...
A Time Magazine review of Mad Love in 1933 notes this queer appeal directly, even comparing Lorre’s acting skills to those of another homosexual coded actor:I find the comment about their faces rude and insulting to both Lorre and Laughton, both of whom I am a tremendous fan. Mad Love’...
and it's back and forth. really arguing it out as much as you can. and what i enjoyed about this one too is the coaching in the corner was very much accurate to what they were doing in the ring. taking notes, showing the chess match between the corners and stuff, taking adjustments...
Like an old tune, he's heard before but can't remember the rest of the notes. He has been directed to this room, by the pounding, the window pane shattering, the vision of the little boy in the bathtub, and from the beginning the melody that underscores Johns’s consciousness. All ...