We explore the impact of director social capital on credit ratings. Social capital is often associated with trust and cultivated through one's personal networksdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2846187Benson, Bradley W.Iyer, Subramanian R.Kemper, KristopherZhao, Jing...
Across the three networks, the premiere … Brianne is Tougher than you Sharp Magazine Brianne Davis Is Tougher Than You Are By: Bianca Teixeira|January 13, 2017 TAGGED WITH: BRIANNE DAVIS, NAVY SEALS, SIX, TV, WOMEN Brianne Davis is tough. How tough, you ask? While filming her new ...
A framework for understanding collective leadership: The selective utilization of leader and team expertise within networks The Leadership Quarterly, 20 (6) (2009), pp. 933-958, 10.1016/j.leaqua.2009.09.008 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Gabaldon et al., 2018 P. Gabaldon, S...
Update your job knowledge by tracking technology and project management advances; participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations. Take on new and unproven tasks in order to develop new business ideas and ...
The proposed 1,500 km 'Trans-Kalahari' railway will eventually provide landlocked Botswana with an alternative route to the sea, reducing its dependency on South African rail networks and ports. n (Source: Ports & Shipping Maritime News) 34 • CONTAINER MANAGEMENT • April/May 2013 Italy ...
Binji is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, the Solar Energy Society of Nigeria and the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers. He is also a registered Engineer with the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) and an associate ...
Across the three networks, the premiere … Brianne is Tougher than you Sharp Magazine Brianne Davis Is Tougher Than You Are By: Bianca Teixeira|January 13, 2017 TAGGED WITH: BRIANNE DAVIS, NAVY SEALS, SIX, TV, WOMEN Brianne Davis is tough. How tough, you ask? While filming her new ...
director networkssocial capitalcredit ratingsboard connectivityG24G32We study the capital structure reactions of firms that have been added to Standard & Poor's CreditWatch list in order to test the role of credit ratings in firm financial decisions. Survey evidence by Graham and Harvey (2001) ...
Director Networks and Credit Ratings of Insurance CompaniesGatzlaff, KevinRama Iyer, SubramanianKemper, Kristopher J.Simkins, Betty J.Journal of Insurance Regulation