Catch-22 (Mike Nichols) (as General Dreedle); The Battle of Neretva (Bulajic) (as Senator); Waterloo (Bondarchuk) (as King Louis XVIII); Upon This Rock (Rasky); The Kremlin Letter (Huston) (as Aleksei Bresnavitch) 1971 A Safe Place (Jaglom) (as the Magician); The Toy Factory...
Brady, Frank, Citizen Welles: A Biography of Orson Welles , New York, 1989. Wood, Bret, Orson Welles: A Bio-Bibliography , Westport, Connecticut, 1990. Howard, James, The Complete Films of Orson Welles , Secaucus, New Jersey, 1991. Callow, Simon, Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu ...