doi:32022L0362欧洲议会和理事会2022年2月24日第2022/362号指令(EU)修订了指令1999/62/EC,1999/37/EC和(EU)2019/520,涉及使用某些基础设施的车辆充电European Parliament, Council of the European UnionEuropean Parliament, Council of the European Union...
Full name:The full name is "Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union, amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 and Directive (EU) 2018/1972, and repealing Directive (EU) ...
directive(eu)2022/2380是什么测试指令,eniec62680-1-3检测报告费用多少 答:iec62680_1_2和iec62680_1_3区别: iec62680-1-2主要定义了usbpd供电规范;iec62680-1-3为针对usbtype-c线材与连接器的规范。比如无线键盘,蓝牙音箱,无线鼠标是需要做iec62680-1-3的 usb type-c 先要有eniec62680测试报告,成品再做...
A total of 13 USB type-C radio equipment products shall comply with DIRECTIVE (EU) 2022/2380, if a product has owned any USB type-C port, the product shall compliance with the following standards: • USB type-C plug: EN IEC 62680-1-3:2022 “Universal serial bus interfaces for data ...
3. Is radio equipment that belongs to a category or class of radio equipment listed in Annex Ia and that charges through a charging case, box or station excluded to incorporate the harmonised charging solution? No. All radio equipment belonging to a category or class of radio equipment listed...
TYPE C接口 EN 62680标准解读欧盟法规要求:Directive (EU) 2022/2380要求13类产品自2024年12月28日起统一采用USB Type-C接口,CE-RED认证需提交EN 62680-1-3:2021及EN 62680-1-2:2021检测报告。产品类型包括手机,平板电脑,数码相机,头戴式耳机,带麦克风的头戴式耳机,手持游戏机 ,便携式音箱,电子阅读器,键盘...
The EU’s Regulation (ECSP Regulation)3and a Directive (ECSP Directive)4on Crowdfunding Service Providers were published in the EU’s Official Journal5on October 20, 2020, entering into force on November 9, 2020 with its scheduled date of application beginning November 10...
of high-risk AI systems (see point 4.1), persons acting on the latter's behalf and users. The proposal reduces the severity of the INT/1001 – EESC-2022-04704-00-00-AC-TRA (EN) 3/7 presumption when the AI system is used by a non-professional user who did not interfere with the ...
欧盟于2022年12月7日在官方公报OJ正式发布了关于通用充电器的修订指令Directive (EU) 2022/2380,以补充RED指令Directive 2014/53/EU中3.3(a)对通用充电接口的具体实施要求。 该修订指令涵盖智能手机、平板电脑、数码相机、无线耳机、手持游戏机、便携式扬声器、电子书、键盘、鼠标、便携导航及笔记本电脑等,共13类无线...
Has the seasonal workers directive missed its target? Evidence from Italy during the pandemicdoi:10.1017/elo.2022.42Passalacqua, VirginiaEuropean Law Open