I don’t have any misgivings about it, but it was a big step. I was aware that it would be very upsetting to people, especially as a woman. My fertile years were just a nightmare in that respect. The expectations of women being baby-oriented are very high. And people are aghast at...
Art. 3 (1), sub-para. 2 Habitats Directive; recital 8 to the Proposal for a Council Directive on the Protection of Natural and Semi-Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (OJ No. C 247/3); Lasén Diaz (2001), p. 288. 108. Jackson (2020), p. 33. 109. Council of Europe...
The federal court held that, under Pennsylvania statutory law, the doctrine of patient informed consent to treatment applies only to surgical interventions—not to routine (nonsurgical) health care delivery. The court went on to reject the plaintiff-patient's contention that, because his physical ...
However, whereas the original proposal applied to large companies and publicly listed or high-risk SMEs, the Draft Directive takes a slightly different approach. As set forth in Article 2, it covers: EU-based companies with (a) more than 500 full-time equivalent (“FTE”) ...
See also Bunyan v Jordan (1937) 57 CLR 1 (High Court of Australia). CPUTR, Regulation 7(2)(e). Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications ...
“Art Is Our Weapon”: Artists in Exile Deploy Their Talents in Support of Peace, Justice for UkraineDigi Communications N.V. announces the availability of the 2022 Annual Financial Report“AmsEindShuttle” nuevo servicio de transporte que conecta el aeropuerto de Eindhoven y Ámsterdam...
Text and Data Mining(TDM) has already became an indispensable tool in this digital era, it is applied in a wide range of public and private fields. In the year of 2016, the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Copyright in the Digital Single Market ...
欧盟公司法指令英文版(Directive 771EEC) .docx,欧盟公司法指令英文版(Directive771EEC).docx请审核。Table content Directives and other official acts ? ? ? ? ? ? Transposition of company law and anti-money laundering directives High level group reports for the
2.提案概括 【英文:2. Summary of the proposal】 2.1关于人工智能非协议民事责任指引的提案(“AI责任指引”)建立的基础是《委员会2020年AI白皮书》、AI领域安全和责任同步报告、以及专注预防和安全的《2021年AI行为提议》,也与AI责任指引同一天提交的《1985年产品责任指引》(“修订版产品责任指引”)审核相关。两份...
new law. SMEs are exempted from this obligation, with the exception of the companies operating in the field of financial services or vulnerable to anti-money laundering or counter terrorist financing. These requirements are quite the same as those provided in Article 8 of the French Sapin 2 Law...