You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on {{B}}Answer Sheet 2{{/B}} with a single pne through the centre.{{B}}Passage One{{/B}} Talk to any parent of a student who took an adventurous gap year (a year between school and university when some ...
"What's the best way to get there?" This shows you're open to different transportation options, be it walking, taking public transportation, or even cycling. "Could you point me in the right direction?" This is especially helpful if the person you're asking seems hesitan...
givedirections to造句 1."Can you give directions to the nearest gas station?" he asked the local resident. 2.She tried to give directions to her friend on how to reach the party, but he got lost along the way. 3.The tourist center in the city always gives accurate directions to ...
An d the adverbs nears , nearer , and nearest are very useful when you nee d to find somewhere fast .Examples : T he zoo is straight ahe a d . / I t's between a bank an d a post office .T ry to know some important landmarks : Eve ry city in the worl d has its own ...
And the The zoo is straight ahead.adverbs near, nearer, and nearest are very useful It's between a bank and a post office.when you need to find somewhere fast.Every city in the world has its own Examples:landmarks. You can cut down on search time if It is next to the CN Tower!
And the adverbs nears, nearer, and nearest are very useful when you need to find somewhere fast.Examples: The zoo is straight ahead. / It’s between a bank and a post office.Try to know some important landmarks: Every city in the world has its own landmarks. You can cut down on ...
c. Can you give me directions to [destination]? More Specific Questions: a. How far is [destination] from here? b. Is there a landmark near [destination]? c. How long does it take to get to [destination]?It is important to use polite and clear language when asking for directions, ...
Try to know some important landmarks: Every city in the world has its own landmarks. You can cut down on search time if you know what the important landmarks are. Examples: It is next to the CN Tower! Go past the Aquarium and then turn left. ...
It's between a bank and adverbs near, nearer, and nearest are very useful a post office.when you need to find somewhere fast.Every city in the world has its own land- Examples:marks. You can cut down on search time if you It is next to the CN Tower!know what the important land...
___A.How can I get to the station?B.Could you tell me where the nearest hospital is?C.Do you know which bus stop I should go to?D.Would you mind showing me the way home?(4)Using landmarks can. save timeB.get a full answerC.prove you know a you ...