Niota, Tennessee, is renowned for its historical significance and small-town charm. One of its most notable landmarks is the Niota Depot, which holds the distinction of being the oldest standing depot in Tennessee, constructed in 1854. This historic building serves as a testament to the town...
University of Tennessee, USARuthann W. LariscyUniversity of Georgia, Athens, USAJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdAvery, E. J., & Lariscy, R. W. (2010). FEMA and the Rhetoric of Redemption: New Directions in Crisis Communication Models for Government Agencies. The handbook of crisis communication. W...
Tennessee Texas Thunder Bay Thurrock Tokyo Toledo Trinidad & Tobago Tulsa Turkey Tuscon UK United Kingdom United State of America USA Utah Vail Valley Vancouver Vermont Victoria Virgin Island Virginia Waddington Wales Scotland Washington DC Watford ...
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to use the landscape paradigm as a “pattern which connects” human behavior with particular places and times, however, we need a common terminology and methodology to build a construct paradigm. We suggest that settlement ecology, ritual landscapes, and ethnic landscapes will contribute toward the ...