n a t u re . c o m /rev i ew s /c a n c e r REVIEWS In a counterintuitive and somewhat ironic twist, 15 obese individuals carrying PTEN mutations have recently been shown to exhibit increased sensitivity to insulin42. Given the predisposition to breast and other cancers linked to ...
Being able to quicky convert wind speed values from units like knots, beaufort, m/s and km/h to another is quite helpful when you're in a pinch. In addition to our wind speed converter, you can also convert distances (e.g. the elusive nautical mile) with our calculator. For your con...
most likely due to better treatment of myocardial infarction [66]. The incidence of HFpEF also decreased, with similar overall rate changes for women and men over 10 years (− 27%; − 2.7% per year), probably due to better treatment of comorbidities [69]. However...
(VKH) syndrome, nTreg cells are similarly depleted and also less functional in their suppressive ability, and therefore overall loss of nTregs in active uveitis may contribute to patients' disease susceptibility and severity.14,15 Immune regulation may not require antigen specificity, as in ...
Foreignness is inherent to multinational enterprises (MNEs): its conceptualization, manifestations, and consequences are central to international business (IB) research. A subset of the overall costs of doing business abroad (Hymer,1976) has been labeled the liability of foreignness (LOF), which hinge...
school data school profile information is based on government data. graduation rate n/a grades served 6-12 setting remote town charter school yes magnet school n/a eligible for title i funding yes district this information relates to high schools run by this...
Numerous scholarly inquiries have been undertaken to delve into the gender disparities in financial literacy, resulting in a consistent body of evidence indicating that women tend to demonstrate a relatively lower level of financial literacy in comparison to their male counterparts [23]; Grigion Pot...
were used to reveal demands or latent needs. We found that a major item in fast, accurate and comfortable application of H&N HT, especially simulation guided, is the controllable and reproducible positioning of the patient which proved difficult using the HYPERcollar [35]. Additionally, the shap...
Re-engineering adenovirus regulatory pathways to enhance oncolytic specificity and efficacy. Nat Biotechnol 2001; 19: 1035–1041. 13 Fujiwara T, Urata Y, Tanaka N. Telomerase-specific oncolytic virotherapy for human cancer with the hTERT promoter. Curr Cancer Drug Targets 2007; 7: 191–201. 14 ...
[75]. In contrast, a decrease in USP38 expression was noted in clinical CRC samples, which significantly enhanced the sensitivity of CRC cells to oxaliplatin and 5-Fu. Notably, USP38 plays a crucial role in amplifying oxaliplatin and 5-Fu resistance by removing Lysine 63 ubiquitin chains from...