Jaspers JE, Kersbergen A, Boon U, Sol W, van Deemter L, Zander SA, Drost R, Wientjens E, Ji J, Aly A, Doroshow JH, Cranston A, Martin NM, Lau A, O'Connor MJ, Ganesan S, Borst P, Jonkers J, Rottenberg S (2013) Loss of 53BP1 causes PARP inhibitor resistance in Brca1-...
Commonly applied amplicon sequencing technologies limit the fragment length of barcode sequences to a maximum of 500 bp when Illumina’s MiSeq or LifeSciences’ IonTorrent are used. For large-scale monitoring projects that utilize Illumina’s HiSeq or NovaSeq technologies, even shorter “mini-barcod...