An optical rotation encoder for an X-Y direction input device includes a light source for emitting therefrom a light, a pair of substantially vertically aligned light responsive elements for receiving the light, and a circular code wheel mounted between the light source and the light responsive ...
1. The optical rotation signal of nerve associated with excitation was recorded from peripheral nerve taken from a walking leg of a spiny lobster and its properties were analysed. 2. The polarity of the optical rotation signal was reversed when the site of stimulation was changed with reference ...
As explained below, the linearly polarized illumination transmitted to the retina will tend to be depolarized by multiple scattering in the retina and will be transmitted with an efficiency of 50% (for an ideal polarizer). In consequence the use of this so-called crossed-polarizer technique can ...
The core-model equations developed for lateral FETs in the next section (either charge-based or surface-potential-based physical model) can be directly extended to describe the vertical FET characteristics by including the physics of the drift region as explained above. Although the chapter does ...
Visual features extracted by retinal circuits are streamed into higher visual areas (HVAs) after being processed along the visual hierarchy. However, how specialized neuronal representations of HVAs are built, based on retinal output channels, remained u
Turning angles were calculated based on the original definition explained in Methods section. (d) Turning angles of growth cones with illumination. Numbers in parentheses indicated the total number of growth cones tested. Error bars, SEM. Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA ...
And it was noticed that, at the same time, the saw shape edge on cast sheet, which is attributed to the instability of meniscus, becomes smooth by the function of electromagnetism. This effect stabilizing the edge shape was explained qualitatively by considering the characteristics of ...
Initially, the different ob- servation conditions were explained, and practice was given in the use of the chinrest for lateral head movements. Two practice trials were performed, one with eye and one with head pursuit, and a random choice of the two distances of the judged target. A check...
The eye movements made by viewers of natural images often feature a predominance of horizontal saccades. Can this behaviour be explained by the distribution of saliency around the horizon, low-level oculomotor factors, top-down control or laboratory artefacts? Two experiments explored this bias by ...
We demonstrate 180° switching and 90° rotation of the heat currents in an in-plane magnetized Ni sample on a rigid sapphire substrate and a perpendicularly magnetized TbFeCo film on a flexible substrate, respectively. An active thermography technique was used to capture the strain-induced change...