S. Ravishankar, H. V. Kumaraswamy, and B. D. Satish, “Comparative Analysis of Direction Of Arrival Estimation and Beamforming Techniques in Smart Antennas,” ObCom: Mobile, Ubiquitous & Pervasive Computing 2006 Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, Tamil Nadu....
Yu, Fellow, IEEEAbstract—Lacking of adaptation to various array imperfec-tions is an open problem for most high-precision direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation methods. Machine learning-basedmethods are data-driven, they do not rely on prior assumptionsabout array geometries, and are expected to...
Direction of arrival estimation using antenna arrays The objective of this thesis is to design, build and evaluate a direction-of-arrivalmeasurement system using an antenna array operating at 2050 MHz. The first phase of theproject is an extensive study of various high resolution DOA estim... R...
Sparse representation direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation methods exhibit many advantages over other DOA estimation methods. However, they suffer from a high computational complexity. This letter describes a real-valued sparse representation method through utilizing a unitary transformation that can convert...
网络波达方向估计;方位估计;到达角估计 网络释义 1. 波达方向估计 缩略语 DOA 的查询结果 ... 波达方向估计 estimate direction of arrival波达方向估计direction-of-arrival estimation... dict.cnki.net|基于2个网页 2. 方位估计 缩略语 DOA 的查询结果 ... direction of arrival estimation 方位估计direction-of...
Beamforming for Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) Estimation-A 热度: Array calibration using measured data for precise angle-of-arrival estimation 热度: UNIVERSITYOFCALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE DirectionOfArrival(DOA)EstimationUsingArraySignalProcessing AThesissubmittedinpartialsatisfaction ...
for mobile communications is considered. This paper provides a comprehensive and detailed treatment of different beam-forming schemes, adaptive algorithms to adjust the required weighting on antennas, direction-of-arrival estimation methods-including their performance comparison-and effects of errors on the...
Perfomance Study of Direction of Arrival (DOA) Estimation Algorithms for Linear Array Antenna This paper presents the performance analysis of five direction of arrival estimation algorithms namely Bartlett, Minimum Variance Distortion less Response ... MR Islam,IAH Adam - IEEE Computer Society 被引量:...
This paper presents a direct-data (DD) counterpart to the covariance-based (CB) algorithm for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation. The proposed DD-DOA scheme provides reduced computational complexity as compared with other ESPRIT variations, filling in a theoretical gap not covered by previously ...
9_Direction-of-Arrival and Time-Difference-of-Arrival Estimation 热度: Practical high-resolution detction method for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy 热度: VlOl_23NO.1 CHINESEJoURNALoFACoUSTICS Ahigh..resolutiondirection--of-arrivalestimation ...