non directed graph 无向图 regular directed graph 【计】 正则有向图 block directed graph 块方向图 strongly connected directed graph 强连通的有向图 相似单词 directed adj. 1.定向的,经指导的,有管理的,被控制的 graph 书写;描绘;记录等用之器具 graph n. 图,图表,曲线图 other directed a...
directed graph 英文directed graph 中文【计】 有向图
simphotonics/directed_graph Star54 Dart implementation of a directed graph. Provides algorithms for sorting vertices, retrieving a topological ordering or detecting cycles. dartsortinggraphcycledirected-graphgraph-theoryshortest-pathstopological-sortverticesvertexweighteddirected-acyclic-graphweighted-graphs ...
形式上,有向图(directed graph)D是一个有序对(V(D),A(D)),它由顶点(vertices)集合V:=V(D)和与V(D)不相交的弧(arcs)集合A:=A(D)以及关联函数(incidence function)ψD组成。关联函数ψD将D的每一个弧与D的每一个顶点有序对(可能相同)关联起来。如果a是一条弧,且ψD(a)=(u,v),就称a将u连接...
之前我们证明了无向图中SPMM(sparse-dense matrix multiplication)与消息传递的等价性,具体如下(详情见参考资料1): 上图SPMM中的SP是指归一化的邻接矩阵,它对应MP的消息函数中两个节点的度取根号的乘积。我…
R. White, "Directed-graph Epidemiological Models of Computer Viruses," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 1991Kephart JO, White SR. Directed-graph epidemiological models of computer viruses. Proceedings of Research in Security...
1) Check whether have loop in directed graph 实际上就是找backedge, 如果判断edge是backedge呢, 就是说从node出发的指针指向了node自己或者它的祖先node, 那么表明是backedge, 同时也表明了有loop存在. 所以实际上就是用DFS去依次访问每个node, 如果node是1, 表明visited过了(并且从node出发的所有path都被visi...
non directed graph 无向图 regular directed graph 【计】 正则有向图 block directed graph 块方向图 strongly connected directed graph 强连通的有向图 相似单词 directed adj. 1.定向的,经指导的,有管理的,被控制的 semantic a. 语义的 graph 书写;描绘;记录等用之器具 graph n. 图,图表,曲线...
connected directed graph 英 [kəˈnektɪd dəˈrektɪd ɡræf] 美 [kəˈnektɪd dəˈrektɪd ɡræf]连通的有向图