Directed functional connectivity Directed transfer function Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again and make sure cookies are enabledReferences Al-Aidroos et al., 2012 N. Al-Aidroos, C.P. Said, N.B. Turk-Browne Top-down attention switches coupling between low-level and high-level areas...
and then each image was down-sampled by a factor of 0.8 relative to the original image using a MATLAB imresize function. The signals in each pixel were smoothed temporally by a moving average filter with a window size of 2 time-bin and resampled using the MATLAB interp function. To evaluate...
The recorded data was processed in MATLAB (The Mathworks, USA) with an open-source m-code function provided by Intan Technologies and further analyzed using Origin (OriginLab Corporation, USA). EHD printing of elastic PCL scaffold To lift LVD tissues out of the PDMS substrate, an elastic PCL...
MATLAB software MathWorks Other RIPA Lysis Buffer ThermoFisher 89900 NP40 Cell Lysis Buffer ThermoFisher FNN0021 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Tablets Roche 11697498001 PMSF Sigma Aldrich 93482 Anti-HA Magnetic Beads ThermoFisher 88836 Dynabeads Protein...
Therefore, the light- intensity map was expanded to the actual reaction site density with a bilinear interpolation using Matlab. The resulting light intensity map contains optical diffraction and flare information. The fidelity of calculated aerial image was experimentally verified to be the same as ...
Generated with MATLAB R2016a40. Full size image Simulated data network models We begin by creating benchmark simulations. Fifty different sets of each type of simulation were created, which is useful for estimating the consistency of the method. All the simulations were generated to have 500 time...
Collected data were imported into a MATLAB program that calculates the 2PEF and 1PEF signals of each colony and evaluates the 2PEF versus 1PEF ratio. Neither the camera nor the samples were dis- turbed while the 2PEF and 1PEF images were captured which ensured both final images overlapped ...
(default threshold in MATLABboxplotfunction; maximum whisker length is 1.5 × interquartile range). Dot color corresponds to replicate number.f, DAPI, WGA staining and IF for VSX2 and PAX6 proteins were performed on the same tissue section after extraction of barcoded cDNAs. Scale bars ...
While a large body of research has focused on the study of functional brain “connectivity”, few investigators have focused on directionality of brain-brain interactions which, in spite of the mostly bidirectional anatomical substrates, cannot be assume
£1 or £1 with a red ‘X’ across an image for subjects tested in the United Kingdom or 1 Kronor for subjects tested in Sweden. Subjects completed 201 trials divided into three sessions (7.5 s per trial, 8.38 min per session) per condition. The task was run using MATLAB ...