Directed Minimum Spanning Tree: Chu-Liu/Edmonds Algorithm 我们的现代数据库大作业要求实现一个图查询系统,包括基于属性的子图查询、可达性查询(可选)、最短路径查询(可选)、TopK最短路径查询(可选)、图形化展示(可选)等功能。分成子图同构查询小组以及可达性及TopK路径查询小组。小组长之前研究了Efficiently...
F. Bock, ``An algorithm to construct a minimum spanning tree in a directed network'', Developments in Operations Research, Gordon and Breach, NY, 1971, pp. 29-44. P. Humblet, ``A distributed algorithm for minimum weighted directed spanning trees'', IEEE Trans. on Communications, v.COM-...
在此过程中,再另外维护一棵树:在第2.(2)中,环上的每一个点向新建的点连一条边权为其对应边(即环上指向该点的边)的边权的边,显然这是一棵内向树,且根即为最后剩下的节点 此时,每一个节点的答案即树上的边权和-其到根路径上的边权和 下面,问题即如何(快速)实现之前的过程—— 先对每一个点的边...
Minimum-weight degree-constrained spanning tree problem: Heuristics and implementation on an SIMD parallel machine ☆☆☆ The minimum spanning tree problem with an added constraint that no node in the spanning tree has the degree more than a specified integer, d , is known as ... B Boldon,N...
1 Introduction The minimum-degree spanning tree (MDST) problem for an undirected graph G = (V, E) is that of constructing a spanning tree of G, whose maximal degree is the smallest among all spanning trees of G. It is a generalization of the Hamiltonian Path problem and thus is also ...
[hdu6990]Directed Minimum Spanning Tree,模板题:在有向图中,对每一个点求以其为根的最小(外向)生成树(当图是强连通时)可以使用朱刘算法,算法过程如下:1.对每一个节点,选择指向该点的边权最小的边,即得到一张子图2.任选这张子图的一个简单环,并对这个环执行以
Given a directed graph 𝐺=(𝑉,𝐸)G=(V,E) and a root vertex 𝑟∈𝑉r∈V, CLE returns the Directed Minimum Spanning Tree 𝒯T of r in a two-phase recursive manner. For each round of recursion, 𝐶𝐿𝐸CLE chooses the minimum in-edges of each vertex except r, and checks...
Given a directed graph 𝐺=(𝑉,𝐸)G=(V,E) and a root vertex 𝑟∈𝑉r∈V, CLE returns the Directed Minimum Spanning Tree 𝒯T of r in a two-phase recursive manner. For each round of recursion, 𝐶𝐿𝐸CLE chooses the minimum in-edges of each vertex except r, and checks...
Given a directed graph 𝐺=(𝑉,𝐸)G=(V,E) and a root vertex 𝑟∈𝑉r∈V, CLE returns the Directed Minimum Spanning Tree 𝒯T of r in a two-phase recursive manner. For each round of recursion, 𝐶𝐿𝐸CLE chooses the minimum in-edges of each vertex except r, and checks...