Direct-mail business.Since Charles D. Morgan, Jr., 32, led CCX Network, Inc. into the direct mail business in 1976, its computers have come to hold 20,000 lists made up of 1.2 billion names. CCX will generate 2.5 billion mailing labels this year.BarrierM.Nation's Business...
Direct-mail businessSince Charles D. Morgan, Jr., 32, led CCX Network, Inc. into the direct mail business in 1976, its computers have come to hold 20,000 lists made up of 1.2 billion names. CCX will generate 2.5 billion mailing labels this year.Barri...
White label our direct mail marketing services so you can focus on what matters most in your business. With 100% in-house production and a USPS® partnership since 2002, Amazing Mail's direct mail business will confidently handle the overhead and logistics related to your direct mail ...
Discusses the benefits of nonprofit organizations to direct-mail business in Long Island, New York. Reasons for the reliance of nonprofit organizations on direct marketing; Primary target for direct mailing; O...
As leaders in the direct mail business for more than a century, so we know the industry better than anyone in New England. Our services include print design, data processing, list management, inserting, addressing, and managing the overall process from start to finish. Our experts work closely...
What business comms do you send that are critical to your business? Imail comms provides you with a simple, web based cost-effective way to improve outbound customer communications with your customers distributors, partners and regulatory bodies. ...
Your full service, direct mail marketing partner. We take care of everything from printing, mailing to tracking results, so you can focus on your business.
Need more proof? Just check out these stats: 80-90% of direct mail gets opened. (Source:Small Business Trends) 79% of consumers find that reading mail is better than going online. (Source:USPS) 58% of households with incomes over $65,000 have made a purchase based on a piece of dire...
Help Is Here –– Direct Mail And Your Small Business Find the right direct mail services for your business. Read more What Kinds of Direct Mail Marketing Services Produce the Best Results? If you are investing in direct mail, you want to do it right. See which services can help. Read...
Direct mail marketing—sending a physical offer by snail mail to a home or business—is a marketing strategy that was seemingly heading towards obsolescence. However, savvy marketers are returning to it for good reason: it works. Direct mail’s several advantages for ecommerce advertisers include:...