Results: To achieve a 50% glottic opening view, the top 10th percentile force was higher with direct vs indirect laryngoscopy in terms of peak (difference, 9.1 newton; 99% confidence interval [CI], 7.4 to 13.9) and impulse (difference, 56.4 newton路sec; 99% CI, 49.0 to 81.7) forces. ...
Management of the predicted difficult airway: a comparison of conventional blade laryngoscopy with video-assisted blade laryngoscopy and the GlideScope Eur J Anaesthesiol, 27 (2010), pp. 24-30 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 72 G Serocki, T Neumann, E Scharf, V Dorges, E Cavus Indirect videolar...
Bimanual precise operations should be possible in the common way like in standard microlaryngoscopy with the only difference of not using a microscope, but operating via a monitor. We do not think that traditional microlaryngoscopy with straight 展开 关键词: Microlaryngoscopy Curved laryngoscopes ...
The main advantage of video laryngoscope is that the camera at the blade tip provides visualization of the glottis without the need for prefect alignment of laryngeal, pharyngeal and oral axes; this is one reason video laryngoscopy is described as indirect laryngoscopy as a direct line of sight ...
video laryngoscope to direct laryngoscope in children with difficult direct laryngoscopy and an evaluation of the effect of blade size 机译:滑翔镜的比较试验?小儿直接喉镜检查的儿童视频喉镜到直接喉镜的评估以及刀片尺寸的影响 获取原文 获取原文并翻译|示例 ...
Recent clinical trials suggest videolaryngoscopy is beneficial for teaching inexperienced clinicians to intubate newborn infants, but may take longer compared to standard laryngoscopy. Preferences for devices among clinicians are unclear. Simulation studies using manikins have shown that use of video...
laryngoscopyAirway management is one of the core skills of the anaesthetist and various techniques of airway management have developed over many years. Initially, the only view of the glottis that could be obtained was an indirect view (indirect laryngoscopy). Late in the 19th century, a direct ...
DIRECT LARYNGOSCOPYAIRWAY MANAGEMENTMACINTOSHMOTIONBackground During videolaryngoscopic intubation, direct epiglottis elevation provides a higher percentage of glottic opening score than indirect epiglottis elevation. In this randomized controlled trial, we compared cervical spine movement during videolaryngoscopic...
Advances in laryngoscopy: rigid indirect laryngoscopy F1000 Med Rep, 2 (2010), p. 61 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [24] G. Dhonneur, W. Abdi, S.K. Ndoko, R Amathieu, N Risk, L El Housseini, et al. Video-assisted versus conventional tracheal intubation in morbidly obese patients Obes...
and white noise signals as type 4.37Wang et al applied 2D scanning VKG to an excised caninelarynxto overcome the shortages of digital kymography from high-speed videolaryngoscopy and laryngeal VKG.38In many previous studies, the excised larynx was most commonly used as a whole, but this set...