Sowthistle, perennial—Sonchus arvensis L. Other common names: Corn sow thistle, creeping sow thistle, field milk thistle, field sow thistle, milk thistle, swine thistle, tree sow thistle, marsh sowthistle Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Life cycle: Cool-season, perennial Native to: Europe and west...
Young docks, brambles, raspberry leaves, sow thistle, chickweed, groundsel, dandelions, clover, plantain, goose grass, ground elder and vetches are among a host of plants enjoyed by pet rabbits. Annual bedding plants, herbs and other decorative garden shrubs will also be enjoyed and destroyed by...
from root to shoot is severely affected (Garg, 2003). Different genotypes belonging to different plant species respond differentially to the uptake of nutrients in drought stress. Translocation of assimilates to sink is the requirement for seed development (Asch, Dingkuhnb, Sow, & Audebert, 2005...
Peace lily, white sails, white anthurium, spathe flower, Mauna Loa (Spathiphyllumspp.)—very low toxicity Pencil tree, milkbush, Indian tree, rubber euphorbia, finger tree, naked lady (Euphorbia tirucalli) Periwinkle (Vincaspp.) Persian violet, alpine violet, sowbread (Cyclamenspp.) ...
flower buds, known as beads. If left unharvested, each inflorescence produces flowers that will produce seed pods which, once dry, can be harvested for broccoli seed.Seed sizevaries between varieties, but in general theseeds can be described as circular, approximately 1mm in diameter, with ...
Sowing winter wheat in autumn allows grazing in late autumn and early spring, but care must be taken not to graze when stems start to ascend. Rye is the best cereal to do this at high latitudes. Sow early to get grazing and also to increase winter hardiness. ...
3). An excellent practice is to sow the legumes with a companion crop such as oats, rye, or in mixes with perennial grasses (Ranells and Wagger, 1996). Selection of companion green manures should be based on soil type, climatic conditions, cultural factors, and water availability (Cherr ...
Wild lettuce, Lactuca serriola, and sowthistle, Sonchus spp., are examples of suitable weed hosts. Cotton, soybean, and to a lesser extent alfalfa and peanut are field crop hosts. (See color figure 10.) Sweetpotato whitefly has a narrower host range than silverleaf whitefly. For example, ...
Following breeding and pure-seed propagation, the grower makes the critical decisions of what variety to sow and how best to manage the growth environment (see Chapter 18). Whereas the decision about genotype (variety) is a conscious one, the anticipation of climatic conditions is a factor that...
Female odors are not noteworthy with the possible exception of the meat from a sow in estrus at the time of slaughter. odorant [o′dr-nt] any substance capable of stimulating the sense of smell; a substance with a strong enough odor, whether pleasant, appetizing, or unpleasant, that it ...