Despite some limitations imposed on internal mobility through a registration system (the Hukou), China has experienced a more intense rural-to-urban migration triggered by the rapid growth of the urban manufacturing and service sectors during the transition from a planned to a market economy. Indeed...
The preliminary prospectus specifies only a possible price range for the offering as the firm is not permitted to sell shares prior to SEC registration. When the SEC approves the issue, the firm meets with the underwriter syndicate and sets the final offer price (“pricing meeting”) and the ...
Henares targeted the informal economy and deliberately filed cases to enforce the compliance of registered taxpayers. As a result of her work, key reforms on taxpayer service registration, audit, collection, enforcement, and revenue streaming were implemented. At some point, she even singled out big...
Please state in the Methods section where the clinical trial registration information is publicly available. Satisfactory public databases include the NIH's and the site from the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trials at For ...
Lars Wingefors AB will lend 18,500,000 Class B shares to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ). The lent shares will be returned after the Directed new share issue has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Sw.Bolagsverket), which i...
Clinical Trials and Clinical Trial Registration Conflict of Interest (financial disclosure) Publication Ethics Copyright Correspondence and Replies Cover Letter Drug and Equipment Names Editorials English Editing Assistance Figures Financial Support Institutional Review Board Legends Manuscript Text Format Online Su...
Insights into Direct Selling in China June 2010 Introduction Chinese Direct Selling in the Global Context Framework of Direct Selling in China Category Performance Competitive Landscape Future Prospects Definitions Scope Introduction This briefing on the global retailing market covers the following channels, ...
TFSA RRSP/RRIF Spousal RRSP/RRIF RESP Non-registered accounts (cash, margin, and short selling) Individual Pension Plan LIRA LRSP LIF Estate accounts In trust account Investment club account National Bank Direct Brokerage also offers accounts for corporate entities. ...
Following registration of the new share capital will see total number of shares increase to 900,871,617 (Tranche 1) and increase to 1,171,871,617 shares (Tranche 2) Thin Film Electronics (ThinFilm) has announced that they have raised approx. NOK 881 million (approx. USD 110 million) in...