2. 在打开的命令提示符窗口中粘贴运行下面的命令: dism /Online /enable-feature /FeatureName:"DirectPlay" /All 启用成功的话会输出下面的内容: C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /Online /enable-feature /FeatureName:"DirectPlay" /All 部署映像服务和管理工具 版本: 10.0.18362.1 映像版本: 10.0.18362.356 启用一...
However, DirectPlay is still essential to rungames that predate 2008in Windows 10. Consequently, some older games don’t run without DirectPlay. If a game or app needs DirectPlay, a window opens statingAn app on your PC needs the following Windows featureDirectPlay. Are you getting that Dir...
右键单击开始菜单,选择“Windows PowerShell (管理员)”。 启用相关功能: 使用Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature命令来启用这些功能。以下是各个功能的示例命令: powershellCopy Code # 启用“优质的音频体验”Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature-Online-FeatureName"MediaPlayback"-All# 启用“媒体基础”Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature...
If you want toinstallandenable DirectPlayon Windows 11 and Windows 10, here is how you can do that. ThisLegacy Componentsfeature is already included in your computer, and you can install it from theWindows Featurespanel on Windows 11/10. That said, you do not have to download any third-...
I think you need to turn on DirectPlay as described below from this thread: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-elements-discussions/phtoshop-elements-12-can-not-find-quot... - Click "Start Button" - Type "Turn Windows Feature On & Off" - Open it - Check for "...
最低Windows 顯示器驅動程式模型 (WDDM) 版本 1.2 最低Windows 版本 8 驅動程序實作- 僅限完整圖形和轉譯 所有具有 Microsoft Direct3D 10-、10.1-、11-或 11.1 功能硬體的 WDDM 1.2 驅動程式強制 (或更新版本) WHCK 需求和測試 Device.Graphics ¦ DX11 影片譯碼 FeatureLevel 9 Device.Graphics ¦ DX1...
- Type "Turn Windows Feature On & Off" - Open it - Check for "Legacy Components" - Click the + sign - Check "Direct Play" - Click "Ok" - Check Adobe Elements Hope this works Thanks Regards Dhananjay Votes 3 Upvotes Translate Translate Report Report Re...
The direct flip feature allows for special optimizations to the composition model to reduce power consumption. The optimizations benefit these scenarios: To ensure optimal power consumption for video playback and other full screen scenarios, direct flip enables a minimum of memory bandwidth to display ...
TyePlay Тип TypeDefinition TypeDefinitionInternal TypeDefinitionPrivate TypeDefinitionProtected TypeDefinitionPublic TypeDefinitionSealed TypeDefinitionShortcut ТипИнтернал TypePrivate TypeProtected TypePublic TypeSealed TypeShortcut UACShield Пользовательскийинтерфе...
This feature of economic modelling fits very nicely with the stress in minimal realism on models and theories having a chance of being true (rather than having been established as true or being justifiably believed to be true of actual causation)....