Direct object pronounsare those pronouns that represent thenounsdirectlyacted uponby the verb.Indirect object pronounsstand for the noun that is therecipientof the verb's action. In both English and Spanish, a verb may have no object (e.g., "I live,"vivo), a direct object only (e.g.,...
Direct&IndirectObject Pronouns “melo”“telo”“noslo” Directvs.IndirectObjects Definición Adirectobjecttellswhoorwhat receivestheactionoftheverb. –Ejemplo •Darélallave. •Iwillgivethekey. Youcanfindthedirectobject(D.O.)by askingyourselfthisquestion: –WhatwillIgive?Iwillgivethekey. Directvs....
Direct and indirect object pronouns DirectObjectPronouns Remember…Rememberthatdirectobjectsreceivethe actionoftheverb.Theyanswerthequestionswhoorwhatreceivestheaction.Hereareallofthedirectobjectpronouns:DirectObjectPronouns metemeyou(tú)nososusyouall(vosotros)them,youallthem,youall lo la him,it,...
Indirect objectsare nouns or pronouns that indicate to or for whom/what the action of the verb is performed. In other words, it is the recipient of the direct object. For example, in the sentence, "She gave him the book," the indirect object is "him," as he is the recipient of our...
Spanish Activity to Practice Direct and Indirect Object PronounsAndrew Lawton
DO PronounsIO PronounsEnglish Equivalent mememe teteyou (familiar) lo, lalehim, her, it, you (formal) nosnosus ososyou-all (familiar) los, laslesthem, you-all (formal) When you have both a direct object pronoun and an indirect object pronoun in the same sentence, the indirect object pr...
Do you know what adirect objectis? ¿ Sabes ¿ qué es unobjeto directo? wikidata 猜测的翻译 显示算法生成的翻译 机器翻译 objeto directo ... 类似短语 direct and indirect object pronouns los pronombres de objeto directo e indirecto
Indirect object pronounsPronombres CIand direct object pronounsPronombres CDare placed: For the most part,before the verb. Lostengo en el bolso(los cigarrillos). I havethemin my bag (the cigarettes). Lehe dado unas llaves(a Betty).
Identifythesubjectsandobjectsinthesentences.Replacethemwithpronouns.Example:Tomfedhisbabysister.Hefedher.SO 1.Jennifergotthekeys.Shegotthem.OS2.ThecandyisforMichaelandme.Itisforus.SO3.HormozandShemitookthetest.Theytookit.SO DirectandIndirectObjects1 Somesentenceshavetwoobjectsfollowingtheverb...
The direct object pronoun la means “her,” and also means “it” when replacing a feminine noun that is an object. Just remember that lo, la, los, and las refer to both people and things. Lo and la are also the direct object pronouns for usted. So you must consider the gend...