direct monitor指的是直接监听声卡录进去的声音,是不包含电脑在播放的声音的。就比如你现在插着麦克风录人声,你把DM打开了,耳机里只会听到麦克风收到的声音,加上这个延迟很小,基本没有,所以如果你自己边唱边监听的话,你的主观感觉就是耳机没声音,实际上是有的,只是两者的延迟太小了,大脑将它们处理成一个声音了...
求focusrite..按理说大的那个monitor是主音量 但是我从一头拧到另一头完全听不出有区别 反而direct monitor是控制音量的。。右上角那个也能控制耳机音量 所以有点搞不明白monitor这个旋钮有什
begin. The peak in bidirectional gaze that we observed instead suggests that performers monitor each other. In doing so they may exchange a range of information about their shared focus of attention, their joint willingness to interact, and their intended timing of the first notes of the piece....
Focusrite VRM Virtual Reference Monitor System.The article evaluates the virtual reference monitor (VRM) system from Focusrite.IbbotsonJerryPro Sound News