Currently we have7080 BoysNames and6459 GirlsNames with Meanings in our Malayalam collection Please Choose a Letter Boys ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZTop Trending Malayalam Boy Names Girls ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZTop Trending Malayalam Girl Names
Girl Name Gina and Meaning; Tagged with: Indian, Telugu, English, Marathi, Tamil, Christian, Kannada, Gujarati, Japanese, African, Malayalam, Sikh, Bengali, Italian, Hebrew, Jewish, Greek, German, American, Latin, French, Irish, Filipino, Spanish, Finnis
The name pineapple derives from the Spanish word piña, meaning cone-shaped. It belongs to Bromeliaceae family, indigenous to Brazil and Mexico. The leaves are 3–5 feet long. The fibre is removed from the leaves by combination of water retting and strapping, and then fibre is washed and...
The Latin termZingiberwas derived from the ancient Tamil (one of the regional languages of Southern India—Tamil Nadu) words,Ingiver, meaning ginger rhizome. Arab traders, in search of spices, took the term to Greece and Rome, and from there to Western Europe. The present-day name of ginge...
Association with focus yields a satisfactory account of wh-in-situ, and I show that it must apply even to wh-in-C.JayaseelanK.A.EBSCO_AspSyntaxJayaseelan, K. A. (2001) "Questions and question-word incorporating quantifiers in Malayalam," Syntax 4:2, 63-93....
It is indeed the wide range of phenomena—from syllable structure and inflection to quantifier scope and syntactic embedding—as well as the diversity of languages—from English, German, and Chinese to Hebrew, Malayalam, and Walbiri—that gives the Generative Enterprise its unusual place in the ...
In sanskrit, the language in which ayurveda is rendered, a number of synonyms are given toA.calamus(Table 1). The synonyms give clue about the properties of this drug. Table 1.Synonyms ofA. calamusin Ayurveda. Sanskrit nameMeaning UgragandhaAggressive odor ...
Girl Name Sofi and Meaning; Tagged with: Arabic, Tamil, Indian, English, Bengali, Malayalam, Christian, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, American, Australian, Finnish, Irish, Greek, Latin, British, Swedish, Iranian, Israeli
The Latin termZingiberwas derived from the ancient Tamil (one of the regional languages of Southern India—Tamil Nadu) words,Ingiver, meaning ginger rhizome. Arab traders, in search of spices, took the term to Greece and Rome, and from there to Western Europe. The present-day name of ginge...
This is the first work that has created a dataset for homophobia and transphobia in Malayalam and Hindi, an under-resourced language to our knowledge. 3. Dataset The data produced by social media users like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, are rapidly increasing. It may cause emotional damage...