Kannada Havyaka Kannada, spoken in the coastal areas of the Indian state of Karnataka, makes a distinction between indicative and subjunctive, and between past and nonpast. From:International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition),2015...
Phutuki in Bengali, Bol khakhu or Khakhuchi among Garo, Ankarke in Kannada, Athirani in Malayalam, Lakeri in Marathi, Bui-lu-kham in Mizo, and Angeri or Chulesi in Nepali. The term “Melastoma” originated from a Greek word meaning “blackmouth.” It was named so because thefruit pu...
Name:Kavin3787 Gender:Boy Meaning of Kavin Handsome; Beautiful; Variant of Kevin Origin / Tag / Usage Tamil, Indian, Hindu, Gujarati, Sikh, Sanskrit, Marathi, Kannada, Malayalam, Christian, English, American, French, British, Punjabi,
Girl Name Gina and Meaning; Tagged with: Indian, Telugu, English, Marathi, Tamil, Christian, Kannada, Gujarati, African, Japanese, Malayalam, Sikh, Bengali, Hebrew, Italian, Greek, German, Jewish, American, Latin, French, Filipino, Spanish, Irish, Sindhi
In each state there is generally a large population who speak the dominant language of the neighboring state in addition to the dominant language of the state in which they reside. In Andhra Pradesh the dominant language is Telegu (Telugu), but many people speak Kannada, Marathi, and Tamil. ...
Neotyphodium Grove bluegrass (Poa alsodes) Pot experiment in a controlled greenhouse - 17% more total biomass, and 24% more root biomass and slightly shorter leaves Kannadan and Rudgers (2008) Water-logged conditions Epichloë spp. Festuca sinensis Controlled greenhouse experiment - Higher plant ...
Boy Name Ali and Meaning; Tagged with: Arabic, Indian, Pakistani, Malayalam, Tamil, Bengali, Kannada, English, Sindhi, Muslim, Afghan, American, African, Iranian, Turkish, Hebrew, French, Jewish, Lebanese, Malaysian, German, Quranic, Pashtun, Chinese, Sw
Boy Name Arin and Meaning; Tagged with: Bengali, Indian, Sanskrit, Hindu, Arabic, Marathi, Malayalam, English, Gujarati, Kannada, Assamese, American, Iranian, Hebrew, Jewish, German, Muslim, British
They also presented the lake photographs and explained the meaning of the Likert scales. Respondents did not receive a financial compensation. A systematic self-assessment provided by the University of Kassel indicated that our survey should be performed in an ethically sensitive procedure, but the ...
The Latin termZingiberwas derived from the ancient Tamil (one of the regional languages of Southern India—Tamil Nadu) words,Ingiver, meaning ginger rhizome. Arab traders, in search of spices, took the term to Greece and Rome, and from there to Western Europe. The present-day name of ginge...