Direct and Vicarious Liability for Tort Claims Involving Violation of PrivacyPrivacyTort LawThe growth of actions for violation of privacy presents a significant risk for defendants and an opportunity for civil claims to provide a mechanism for accountSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Notification plans for newspaper, BOP, insurance company, liability insurance company, professional associations: Location of financial records, billing records, ARs, and bills outstanding: All my writings and articles/publications shall be handled by the following family members: ___, ___, and/or ...
Asymmetric taxation, limited liability, and agency conflicts Management Accounting Research, Volume 51, 2021, Article 100739 Georg Schneider,…, Fabian Meißner Do self-reported motivators really motivate higher performance? Management Accounting Research, Volume 47, 2020, Article 100676 Sofia M. Loure...
VICARIOUS LIABILITY FOR ANESTHESIOLOGISTS.Presents the court case 'Toogood v. Rogal' in Pennsylvania, which figures the statute of an anesthesiologist involved in the case who died before the case could come to trial. Description of how the lawsuit was brought out; Presumption in the medical or ...
The article offers information on several forms of vicarious or direct computer network liability for employees. One form is property damage when the system or data of a third party is corrupted due to employee-infected electronic mail message. Another is third party monetary damages due to an ...
vicarious liability659 Victimology7983107 violent cybercrime categories definition15 types of15–17 virtual child pornography403 virtual drive encryption521 virtual FAT, operating system176 virtual file system (VFS)181 virtual memory339–340 virtual private network (VPN)469585588 viruses, network attacks Chern...
20 The argument for such immunity has been that expert witnesses are an important part of the legal system and that in the interest of justice, expert witnesses also need to be protected from liability. The U.S. courts up until very recently have regarded this issue of expert witness ...
This article calls for a reconsideration of the doctrine of vicarious liability. I argue that the doctrine has become separated from its original rationale, not explicable in terms of any single coherent philosophical principles, and requires difficult and arbitrary lines to be drawn that don't fit...
Sage, "Enterprise Liability and the Emerging Managed Health Care System," Law and Contemporary Problems (Spring 1997): 159-210.Havighurst CC. Vicarious liability: relocating responsibility for the quality of medical care. Am J Law Med 2000;26(1):7-29....
‘tangible employment action’—such as hiring, firing, or promotion—not on the content of the misconduct or its characterizations as quid pro quo or hostile environment harassment. In the absence of such a tangible action, companies can avoid liability by proving that they adequately corrected ...