or at departure gates for those flights. Distribution is either conducted by airline staff or professional surveyors. ~40,000 International Trade Administration 2012 2012 UK Full Year Face-to-face interviews conducted by professional surveyors who intercept visitors leaving UK by air, sea, and tunnel...
Virgin Islands (USVI) Governor John deJongh Jr. has formed a public-private task force that would work with airlines to assure steady air traffic in the wake of planned reduction of Caribbean flights. The task force is expected to negotiate with carriers, boost marketing efforts and encourage ...
Two UAS flights on Buck Island, off St Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), are used to assess the accuracy of the methodology when compared to aerial bathymetric lidar data. The results show that the combined geometric-radiometric approach provides an increase in spatial coverage of up...
When flight capacity to the U.S. Virgin Island (USVI) was threatened by pullouts, the territory's tourism authority was able to salvage some key routes and keep its airlift stable. Several key Caribbean meetings destinations get fewer flights, and Puerto Rico in particular was affected in ...