The enhanced data are then sent to the EGNOS user receivers, for example airline pilots, via a constellation of three geostationary satellites. Finally, on the June 28, 2007, the ESA and the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar signed an agreement to improve air traffic ...
We collected videos of Indri indri and Propithecus diadema in the Maromizaha rainforest, Madagascar (18° 56′ 49” S, 48° 27′ 53″ E) from April 26th to August 5th, 2022. We sampled ten groups of indris (for a total of 25 individuals) and five groups of diademed sifakas (for a...
Cathay Pacific is pleased to announce the launch of direct passenger flights to Riyadh, the capital and financial centre of Saudi Arabia, from 28 October 2024, further enhancing connectivity, trade and cultural exchange between its home hub, Hong Kong, and countries participating in the Belt and ...
Infections that can be introduced by a traveler and may lead to multiple generations of spread or establishment in a new region Chikungunya Reunion, Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles, India Europe, United States, Australia, Hong Kong Travelers acquired chikungunya in Indian Ocean Island countr...
Madagascar group: Trypanosome 18S rDNA sequences were recently identified in transcriptomes produced from the blood of two endangered wild lemurs (Indri indri and Propithecus diadema) in Madagascar.63 These sequences are most similar to those of the Australian group, differing by only 1.7%.63 •...
The moa-like elephant birds (Aepyornithidae) of Madagascar also evolved in isolation, with their final extinction apparently coinciding with the arrival of man. What of the surviving large flightless birds—the ostrich (Struthio camellus) of Africa, the two rheas (Rheidae) of South America, ...
ACMV: African cassava mosaic virus; ACMV-UG: ACMV-Uganda; ACMBFV: African cassava mosaic Burkina Faso Virus; CMMGV: Cassava mosaic Madagascar virus; EACMCV: East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus; EACMKV: East African cassava mosaic Kenya virus; EACMMV: East African cassava mosaic Malawi...
This lineage has invaded only a few islands of the Indian Ocean, including Madagascar. Based on differences in the current distribution of both lineages, the authors hypothesized greater ecological plasticity in the West African A. variegatum lineage, which may allow it to become established in a ...
While flights were conducted to avoid as much cloud cover as possible, many areas were still flown above clouded terrain. Cloud cover under the aircraft results in enough noise in the data to interfere with data processing. We eliminated clouds using an automatic algorithm that removes points that...
The new hypermobility with repeated flights from expanding violence prevents IDPs from re-establishing social ties and farming or other professional activities. As a consequence, agriculture production has fallen drastically in Sanmatenga. Many farmers have been unable to plant for the past three ...