Despite heavy winter mortality, the high reproductive rate of the noctuid enables populations to build up to numbers high enough to cause economic damage by the second generation and migration flights by the third generation (Bues et al., 1987). Management Scouting technique Adult moths can be ...
Boets, P et al 2013 Data-driven habitat analysis of the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus in two invaded regions in Europe Canal Alien Belgium and Croatia EURO Ferreira, M & Beja, P 2013 Mediterranean amphibians and the loss of temporary ponds: Are there alternative breeding habit...
The 2011 Import and Export Market for Olive Oil and Its Fractions Excluding Virgin Olive Oil in Croatia.AgricultureandLivestockCroatiaEuropeFood&BeverageEBSCO_bspCountry Trade Reports
Alcathoe are black with bright orange wings, and the males have a long, slender, scaled process from the tip of the abdomen, which in flight resembles the trailing leg posture of tarantula hawks (Pompilidae, Pepsis). Sesiids often visit flowers with quick, darting flights. The larvae (Fig....
nycthemera) when they suddenly came into view as they crossed the edge of a nearby roof. If flying individuals of the same two species were detected while approaching from a longer distance, giving the pheasants time for identification, those predator calls were produced much less often. The ...