In trigger fish and file fish, family Balistidae, their fins are somewhat inclined to each other (Fig. 1L), so their propulsive waves produce a net forward thrust. Fin spines which lie ahead of the rays are detached from them and do not impede flexure of the fin rays. According to ...
Establish a warning system which can detect the already started natural and nonnatural phenomenon (e.g., tsunami, earthquake, suspect aircraft flights) and give some time (typical is a few minutes to 30minutes) to put the plant in safe conditions (if possible, given its design features); ...
the Polynesian Triangle boasts up of over 1,000 islands scattered over the central and southern Pacific Ocean. From holiday paradise like Bora Bora and Tahiti to unique cultural heritage of Hawaii and Easter Island, it is easy to see why this splendid and distant region of the world is so...
Their eyes may be sensitive enough to detect coarser high-contrast details in their habitat that aid longer flights within the territory (such as gaps in the forest canopy), but it is probably the spatial memory of local obstacles within the territory that ultimately guides nocturnal flight (...
Sesiids often visit flowers with quick, darting flights. The larvae (Fig. 25) are borers in stems, bark, and roots; they are stout, with heavily sclerotized head and mandibles and unpigmented integument. Larval foods include 40+families of flowering plants, including conifers but not ...
It is also remarkable that birds can shift protein from one body organ to another, as the muscles and digestive organs change their relative sizes before and after flights. Although less research has been done on the condition of birds when they arrive in wintering areas, studies indicate that...
(2016) as being a parasitoid of the cosmopterigid Limnaecia phragmitella Stainton; the gelechiid Isophrictis striatella (Denis and Schiffermüller), and Ptocheuusa paupella (Zeller)); and the tortricid Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli). Dolichogenidea candidata (Haliday, 1834) Catalogs with ...
Bora, V.C. Mariani, "Differential evolution based on truncated Levy-type flights and population diversity measure to solve economic load dispatch problems," Electr. Pow. Compo. Sys, vol.57, pp.178-188, 2014.L. dos Santos Coelho, T. C. Bora, and V. C. Mariani, "Differen- tial ...