See all routes, airlines and scheduled direct (non-stop) flights from Queen Alia International, Amman (AMM). Find detailed information for each departure 9 months ahead and explore all 81 destinations with our smart search tool and route map.
See all routes, airlines and scheduled direct (non-stop) flights from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Mumbai (BOM). Find detailed information for each departure 9 months ahead and explore all 118 destinations with our smart search tool Where can I fly to nonstop? In addition to listing where one can fly direct, this site also provides the number of monthly non stop flights on a particular route, the flight distance, flight time, and how full the flights have been on average. ...
In addition, if the filling capacity of return flights had ranged from 40 to 95%, then the filling capacity of direct flights had been minimal. Some of them had been carried out in a complex mode. As a result – it had increased the cost: for instance, board number 9912 of July 20,...
Médecins Sans Frontières had been unable to transport any patients by aeroplane to its reconstructive surgery hospital in Amman, Jordan's capital, because the Saudi-led coalition had forbidden it, Caroline Seguin, manager of Médecins Sans Frontières’ programmes in Yemen, told The Lancet. “The...
Amman, M. T. Burks, E. L. Hull, W. Craig, and K. Ziock, "The Nuclear Compton Telescope: A balloon-borne soft gamma-ray spectrometer, polarimeter, and imager," GAMMA 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 2001. AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 587, p. 877, Sep 2001....
See all routes, airlines and scheduled direct (non-stop) flights from King Fahd International, Dammam (DMM). Find detailed information for each departure 9 months ahead and explore all 59 destinations with our smart search tool and route map.
Dendroctonus rufipennis is a facultative predator that occurs throughout the range of its Picea hosts in North America from Alaska across Canada and the USA (Wood, 1982). It is the only beetle in this clade to use a non-Pinus host. The beetle is differentiated into three genetically distinc...
For example, after the fires of 1988 in Yellowstone National Park, the beetle remained active for over 4 years due to ongoing drought in the region (Ryan and Amman, 1996). Build-ups of D. pseudotsugae that occur in response to fire or other localized disturbances tend to remain limited ...