Exuma Island iguanas are found on at least seven small cays throughout the central and southern Exuma Island chain in the northern Bahamas. They can often be found in high densities in a variety of habitats ranging from sandy beaches and limestone areas devoid of vegetation to vegetated, rocky...
Pliocene/Pleistocene platform facies transition recorded in calciturbidites (Exuma Sound, Bahamas), Sed. Geol. 78, 171 - 179.Reijmer JJG, Schlager W, Bosscher H, Beets CJ, McNeill DF (1992) Pliocene/Pleistocene platform facies transition recorded in calciturbidites (Exuma Sound, Bahamas). ...
Bahamas Out Islands Great Exuma Great Exuma Hotels Grand Isle Resort And ResidencesIguana Island - Picture of Grand Isle Resort And Residences, Great Exuma Photo: Iguana IslandFrom Review : A very nice place to stay on Great Exuma with great attention to deta...
DECEMBER 2007 . 5:00 P.M. GREAT EXUMA, BAHAMAS.A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experience of photographing her three-year-old daughter Molly testing the size of a market stall.KayeEugeniaEBSCO_AspWorking Mother...
The article discusses four cases of malaria on the island of Great Exuma in Bahamas for the period covering May to June 2006. A man from the U.S. received a diagnosis of malaria in a hospital in Virginia on May 24. He had intermittent fever, sweats, abdominal discomfort, nausea and ...
Carbonate cement fabrics displayed: a traverse across the margin of the Bahamas platform near Lee Stocking Island in the Exuma Cays. Marine Geology 110 (3e4), 213e243.Whittle GL, Kendall CGSC, Dill RF, Rouch L (1993) Carbonate cement fabrics displayed: a traverse across the margin of the...
SEB kitchen and hotel operations contributes an estimated 36% of all solid waste generated on the island, about 1752t11The Commonwealth of The Bahamas uses US units of weight and volume, thus Exuma solid waste records are maintained in pounds and tons, but SI units (e.g. tonnes, liters)...
Presents data from carbonate bank-margin fractures in the southern Exuma Islands, Bahamas. Preferred bank-margin-parallel orientation of the fractures; Orientation reference of the fractures that showed evidence of pedogenic alteration to micrite; Analysis of thin sections; Relation of fracture ...
First description of deep-water elasmobranch assemblages in the Exuma Sound, The Bahamas. Deep-Sea Res. II 115, 81-91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.01.015.Brooks EJ et al (2015) First description of deep-water elasmobranch assemblages in the Exuma sound, the Bahamas. Deep-Sea...