PCDIRECT.IN aims at making computer products and services more accessible to individuals and businesses by ensuring quality products are sourced and distributed to the marketplace at affordable prices. Read More Deals No Deals Newsletter5,00,000 People who have already subscribed special newsletter ...
Besides, the schemes should also reduce the number of transactions recorded in blockchain to reduce expenses. Therefore, efficient privacy preservation schemes are highly expected. However, the decentralization, transparency, and inefficiency make it challenging to achieve efficient privacy preservation, ...
In order to evaluate the cost competitiveness and economic viability of the designed HRS system, the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) is determined by considering the initial investment costs, operating expenses and potential revenue streams. The results show that the HRS capacity, PV installed ...
48. The exchange difference was charged in mise expenses in profit and loss account. Compute the taxable income of X Ltd. for A.Y. 2003–04, with reasons for adjustments made. 12 (0) 2. (a) Calculate the value of perquisite, if any chargeable to tax in respect of free ...
Other personal expenses Tips and gratuities Please arrive at the location15mins before the departure time Latecomers or no-shows can't be refunded Return 23:30 Bateaux Parisiens The time stated is only for reference on cruise closure Before you book ...
85 Every step of such a regulation is an energy-intensive process, and some of these ATP-dependent steps work in trial-and-error mode with large cumulative energy expenses at every trial round (Figure 3A).86 Maf1 is a modulator of polymerase III (Pol III)-mediated transcription. Deletion ...
13 However, there exist a huge disparity in the minimum and maximum-earning households. In spite of the low income, majority of the families spend a considerable portion on dietary expenses. The food expenditure was found to be as less than 25% of the total income in few households. In ...
The substitution effect will be stronger than the complementary effect when electricity quality and reliability are low because households need to spend a larger share of their budget on backup energy services, such as paraffin and solar power, and incur expenses for electricity access that is ...
Additionally, it outlines several challenges to be overcome, such as production and regeneration expenses, synthesis methods, stability, and practical real-time applications. The potential of BMOFs as adsorbents or catalysts in water treatment is emphasized, with a recommendation for research focused on...
3. Parental awareness in context of developing countries State funded schools provide free education but the associated expenses of attending school can be a burden on family income resources. In the absence of state laws enforcing compulsory school attendance, which is free of cost and accessible,...