and found it to be even higher. EvenHaldane [1956] was not convinced that the coefficient could have always been quite that high. Nevertheless, this example, almost uniformly interpreted as a resounding success of evolutionary theory, percolated into the folklore of biology.17What it really shows...
The resulting elliptical polarization (CD effect) is measured by spectropolarimeter. The far-UV CD (260–180 nm) spectra, which originate from the peptide light absorption, can give information about the secondary structure of LPs. The near-UV CD spectra (320–250 nm) results from the ...
of the direct effects (solid lines) and indirect effects (dashed lines) among them. Salt stressed plants become tougher and more woody, which reduces parasitism by wasps. The wasps have less of an effect on herbivores, and no indirect effect on the plants is observed (compare with Figure 2...
Systolic and diastolic BP had similar total and direct effects on lifespan, consistent with a previous MR study14, which again suggests the possibility that estimates for diastolic BP are artefactually attenuated by diastolic BP having a greater effect than systolic BP on mortality at younger ages...
In addition to this definition guidance and the SAGER guidelines, the resources on this page offer further insight around sex and gender in research studies. Author contributions For transparency, we require corresponding authors to provide co-author contributions to the manuscript using the relevant ...
The first hypothesis is by definition related to the attachment or dissolution of molecules in the protoplasmic colloid. As we have seen previously, the electric measures carried out by Höber and Fricke suggested that the cell internal medium could be compared to a conductor solution of free ele...
The simple fitness definition in this model is actually as favorable as possible to HGT. Every non-duplicate gene is assumed to be beneficial, independently of its context, whereas, more realistically, one would often expect the function of a gene to depend on the presence of specific other ge...
The analysis of T1-assembly is completed with a comparison of the two assembly mechanisms and a discussion of the effect of an increased number of initial monomers. We then explain our results for direct and hierarchical assembly of the more complex T3 virus. They are followed by a detailed ...
The effect on invasion is due to the skewness of the degree distributions of BA networks toward small degrees (the minimum degree being 〈𝑘〉/2), which lowers, on average, the invasion threshold of Theorem 1. The effect on fixation is evidently due to D-hubs, which raise the ...
coworkers solved the 3D structure of myoglobin, the simpler hemeprotein purified from the red muscle of the sperm whale; Max Perutz and coworkers solved that of horse (met)hemoglobin, the more complex α2β2tetrameric oxygen carrier characterized by heme-heme interactions and the Bohr effect. ...