Given the policy debate concerning women's employment rates (OECD, 2015a), this paper estimates the effects of tax structures (levels, progressivity, and dual earning households) on female market hours and, consequently, on the rising service sector in the US. Using US regional data, I ...
These developments reflect the increased presence of members of dual earning couples as well as that of single parents (mostly female) in the workforce (Blau and Ehrenberg 1997). Show moreView chapterExplore book House Building Industries C. Moore, D. Adams, in International Encyclopedia of ...
PayrollDeductionBasis Enumeration [AX 2012] PayrollEarningAccountingDate Enumeration [AX 2012] PayrollEarningPaymentProcessingAction Enumeration [AX 2012] PayrollFringeBenefitType Enumeration [AX 2012] PayrollGarnishmentType Enumeration [AX 2012] PayrollGenerationSource Enumeration [AX 2012] PayrollImpact Enumerati...
If there is no revenue-earning back-haul it makes sense to say that the front-haul propagates all costs incurred over the round-trip. These would be the costs the carrier would allocate to the front-haul consignor. But if there were a back-haul consignor the only costs it propagates are...
(i.e., response cost). Many positive reinforcers are naturally occurring in the classrooms, such as positive attention from the teacher and earning good grades, although others are frequently used as well including tangible reinforcers such as badges, stickers, prizes, etc.; privilege reinforces...
Praising a child for making an effort at some task or earning a good grade are examples of positive and conditional strokes. Children need both kinds, conditional strokes because they are reality feedback and can encourage or discourage certain behaviors, and unconditional positive strokes because ...
Laporšek, Vodopivec and Vodopivec (2019) found that all possible spillover effects of the 2010 Slovenian minimum wage increase dissipated for individuals earning 50% or more above the minimum wage. 15 By 2014, the relative hours declined by 43.3% in the sub-subminimum group, 40.1% for the...
Rather than paying people not to work, Minsky proclaimed we must pursue an alternative: “We have to reverse the thrust of the policy of the past 40 years and move towards a system in which labor force attachment is encouraged. But to do that we must make jobs available; any policy strat...
Without those traditional couples, which represent at most 20% of all different-sex couples, we find that partners in same-sex and different-sex are equally responsive to each others’ comparative advantage; that is, the highest-earning partner spends 80 min more per day on market work and ...
their interaction partner might also take points from them. This narration blames the fictitious partner for the participants’ losing points but prevents the participants from aggressive responding in order to earn money instead of earning money by pressing the other button. In two studies using the...