Although not without its merits, direct democracy in California is more of a warning than an example to be emulated.doi:10.1080/13510349608403458GrantWynDemocratizationGrant, W. (1996) Direct Democracy in California: Example or Warning?. Democratization 3: pp. 133-49...
It is important to keep in mind that this definition specifies the ‘legitimate’ use of force. International relations, more broadly speaking, could be regarded as originating much earlier than 1648, as it generally includes the relations between groups or sovereign units of any kind, or between...
In California, an offender who breaks into an automobile to steal the contents of the glove compartment is subject to a fifteen (15) year maximum sentence but if he stole the car itself, he would face a maximum ten (10) year term. Although each offense must be defined in a separate ...
UniversityofSouthernCalifornia “DirectDemocracy”isanumbrellatermforavarietyofdecisionprocessesby whichordinarycitizenspasslawsdirectly,withoutusingrepresentatives.Themost prominentoftheseprocessesistheinitiative,whichallowscitizenstoplaceproposalson theballotthatbecomelawifamajorityoftheelectoratevotesinfavor.California’sta...
direct democracy. It is not, however, the purpose of this paper to repeat these patterns of justifications, which are well known (summaries in Butler/Ranney 1994: 11 ff.; Schmidt 2000: 358 ff.). Neither will the literature with a primary focus on direct democracy be discussed here (...
There is also the problem of preventing the system from being overwhelmed by irrelevant, impractical, or disingenuous proposal, an issue which plagues existing frameworks such as California's ballot primary system or the UK government's petition website. A later section addresses many of these ...
In California, policy entrepreneurs such as Howard Jarvis (1978's Proposition 13) have brought initiatives with diffuse benefits to the ballot. However, such initiatives will only qualify in the rare circumstance that a "privileged group" (Olson, 1965) solves the inherent collective action problem....
Levine contends that civic engagement includes a wide variety of activities to enhance the commons as long as these activities support society’s core political structure, which is a democracy, in our case. He says, “Civic engagement includes deliberation, persuasion, collaboration, participation in...
Administrative regions have not yet been implemented in mainland Portugal. The only two autonomous regions are the Atlantic archipelagos: the Azores and Madeira. Local governments include municipalities and parishes. Each municipality includes several parishes. The parishes are the lowest administrative ...
“coup memo,” which sought to enlist Mike Pence and GOP-led state legislatures to overturn the 2020 election outcome, and he also asked U.S. District Court Judge David Carter of California to shield his contacts with state legislators to discuss...