Theoretical arguments and empirical evidence are advanced to bolster the claim that direct political participation via referenda and initiatives constitutes an advanced form of democracy with beneficial effects on Transition Countries.nDirect democracy raises trust and honesty and improves social outcomes. Per...
MUELLER that decision-making contains elements of both representative and direct democracy. The constitutional order tells us how this shall be done, indicating who has the last word on a political decision. 4. No plebiscites: In countries which have 'plebiscites', it is the par- liament or...
One of the main assumptions on how democracy can be achieved puts faith on the positive effects of the direct engagement of the citizens themselves. Urban planning has adapted to this idea in many countries. With the acceptance of the principal of subsidiarity, political participation of the cit...
The purpose of the article is to analyse the phenomenon of direct democracy related to fiscal matters. This analysis will be based on the experience of a number of European countries compared to one U.S. state, California, which was chosen due to Proposition 13, one of the classic examples...
Our survey consolidates perspectives of consumers across four countries on four continents, thus offering rich insights gathered from a culturally diverse sample of consumers. The case studies in turn showcase country-specific examples of differential retailer or regulatory approaches to data privacy and...
Greek city-states were able to pursue civil political premise of feeding people is a small country. In particular, as Athens as the direct democracy, and especially important this premise. Direct democracy because only small territory in the city states are operational. In these countries, live ...
The Napoleonic Reforms in the early nineteenth century converted the previous French royal service into a State public service. France, and before that Prussia, created the continental model of a central, professional, tenured, and in-house trainedcivil servant. More than in other countries, contine...
s OFDI affects economic development in host countries. Someexisting examples, though, include Weisbrod and Whalley (2011), who employed the growth accountingmethod to estimate the positive contributions of China’s OFDI to economic g...
Parliamentary democracyis the product of the twentieth century and in many countries developed only after 1918. There were some attempts to create such a system during the Europeanrevolutions of 1848without leading to consolidated systems. What Huntington has called the first long wave ofdemocratization...
The legal system incorporates numerous laws, from the constitution in some countries to numerous smaller laws. Legal systems have impacts throughout society.Answer and Explanation: Yes, the legal system has a direct impact on teacher instructional practice. For example, laws require certain ...