Presence of grapes and hazelnuts in Roman cremations indicated continuity of local, Iron Age, traditions, to which offerings of other fruits, such as fig, date palm, olive, and pine nut became increasingly common. Another legacy of more ancient customs was indicated by isolated offerings of wild...
In contrast, the LBK produced numerous formal cemeteries that contained both inhumations and cremations in addition to settlement burials in pits and ditches. In Herxheim, disarticulated skulls or the facial parts of skulls were placed into the ditches surrounding the settlement in numerous “nests...
These include secondary treatments, like the re-arrangement or retrieval of skeletal remains and, sporadically, cremations (Wyss 1998, regarding used terminology, see Knüsel 2014; Duday 2009; Duday 2006). 1.3. Grave structures as museum objects In spring 1960, unfavorable research conditions and...
In particular, Walker–Noe is rather distinct in the apparent existence of in situ cremations evidenced by substantial burned soils. The site is marked by a centrally located feature, a 1.25-square-meter deposit five centimeters in depth of burned clay loam (Figure 10-2). The area of burned...