yr is required for the dipole axis to average to the axis of rotation. Some caution is needed, however, because it is not at all clear that the motion of the dipole axis over the past 10,000 yr, as depicted inFig. 1.13a,can be regarded as a recurring feature, or that the average...
Similarly, Varanasi Ghats are receiving just one third to one-fourth of average corpses for cremation. The situation is almost the same in the burial ground (crematorium) and similar places of other religions (based on verbal communication from the source). 5. Ecological footprint These changes ...
Indirect methods to estimate COD for most countries are inadequate, mainly because they currently rely on an average ratio of 1 nationally representative COD to every 850 estimated deaths in order to measure the cause of 25 million deaths across 110 LMICs. Direct measurement of COD is far more ...
n…, (N–1), N, the step height distribution, the coverage θn at level n, the average terrace size < Ln > at a given level and the full terrace size distribution at level n, P(Ln). Vertical disorder is statistically described in terms of the mean square height fluctuations defined ...